Catto Scholar Blog — Chelsea Hammond

Apr 1, 2021

Chelsea Hammond, Catto Scholar

Hello, everyone. We just got back from spring break and we are at mid-semester. I really enjoyed the time off and was excited to be taking my first mid-term test! Yay! I met with my success coach just before break and I really liked how structured she was with our meeting. I was able to address the most important topics that I needed to discuss. It is so nice having someone there who is resourceful and knows where to direct you to obtain extra support. I also joined a conference this month about stress management. That was very beneficial to me. I was able to remember some tools that I have used in the past and learn about apps to help with meditation.

I was so grateful that the Catto Scholarship will be covering all my book expenses as well! This allows me to get more money back from the school to help with my living expenses. The monthly stipend has already been helpful with my bills and for food. I LOVE that the Catto Scholarship helps support me so that I can spend more time focusing on my studies instead of worrying about how much is in my bank account! I really want to again thank Mayor Jim Kenney and Community College of Philadelphia for this amazing scholarship. I can only imagine how hard they have worked for us to be able to have this opportunity. I hope that everyone knows how much this scholarship is helping us students.

Now that I have finished half a semester, I was thinking that I only have a little less than two months left until the summer begins. After that I should only a year and a half left! I know that I can do it and I know that the Catto team is always there to encourage me during the times I need it.

Thank you everyone for reading! Enjoy the rest of the semester!