Degrees & Programs

Transform Your Aspirations into Achievements with Our Diverse Educational Programs
Community College of Philadelphia offers programs that prepare you for in-demand careers or transfer in the fields of architecture and construction; art, design and media; business and technology, health care; law and public service; liberal arts; science; social and human services; and technical trades like culinary arts and automotive technology. Day, evening and weekend classes are available for full-time and part-time students, and both credit and noncredit courses can be taken at the Main Campus, our three Regional Centers, and neighborhood and corporate locations. Online and hybrid courses are also available to all students, and some programs may be completed entirely online. The College also offers comprehensive academic support, services for students with disabilities, plus an array of career and personal support services.
Unlock Your Future: Explore Degree Programs, Noncredit Offerings and More

Program Finder
Explore our programs in Architecture and Construction; Art, Design and Media; Business and Technology; Health Care; Law and Public Service; Liberal Arts; Science; Social and Human Services; and Technical/Trade.

Continuing Education (Noncredit)
Quickly gain the tools you need to grow your career or start off in a new career direction through custom designed curriculum, targeted coursework and valuable industry certifications our programs deliver the quality career training you need.

Online Learning
In addition to several degree programs you can complete entirely online, we offer online courses in accounting, biology, business, chemistry, computer studies, English, history, justice, mathematics, nutrition, psychology, sociology and much, much more.

High School Student Programs
With programs like Advanced College Experience, TRIO Upward Bound, Advance at College and more, we offer high school students the opportunity to experience college while providing assistance with getting into college and opportunities to earn college credits.