Transfer Opportunities

A student who transferred to University of Pennsylvania poses on Main Campus with their Penn t-shirt

Attending Community College of Philadelphia saves you tuition dollars and provides pathways to earn a bachelor's degree at other colleges. Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degree programs at the College are designed for transfer. Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree programs are designed to prepare you for a career after graduation, but in many cases they also prepare you for transfer.

Counselors in the College's Counseling Center are here to help students explore general transfer opportunities. For transfer assistance specific to your program of study, academic program coordinators and academic advisors are here to offer additional insight to ensure you are fulfilling your transfer requirements.

For further details about the College's transfer opportunities, explore your options below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Dual Admissions Transfer Partnerships

Community College of Philadelphia's Dual Admissions transfer partnerships with area colleges and universities create a seamless path to a bachelor's degree. These partnerships are designed to help students seamlessly transfer to these colleges with junior standing after completing an appropriate associate degree here. Support and financial incentives, including scholarship opportunities, are built-in to give you the best opportunity for success.

If you are interested in dual admissions you should complete an intent form early in your academic career. Many of our dual admissions partners require that students complete an intent form before they have earned no more than 30 graded college-level credits. You should meet with an academic advisor or counselor for assistance in identifying the appropriate courses at the College in order to transfer into your program of choice. Visit our Dual Admissions Transfer Partnerships page for a complete list of participating colleges and universities.

Learn more about our Dual Admissions Transfer Partnerships.

Transfer Agreements

Community College of Philadelphia has transfer agreements with many four-year colleges in the region and beyond. By earning an associate degree here on your path to a bachelor's degree, you can save thousands of dollars in tuition and take full advantage of our transfer and dual admissions agreements to build a better future. While it is possible to transfer before you earn your associate degree here, research shows that degree holders perform better after transfer than students without a degree. The success these students enjoy is a reflection of the transfer curricula and related support offered at the College.

There are core-to-core and program-to-program transfer agreements. To participate in these agreements, you must earn an appropriate associate degree before transfer. These agreements are not exclusive of one another. If you transfer to a college that offers more than one type of agreement, the agreements can complement one another.


With these agreements, the approved associate degree programs are accepted because the general education requirements meet the core requirements of the transfer college's curriculum. If you earn an appropriate associate degree, usually an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science, the core requirements of the transfer college are satisfied except for the core courses required by the intended major (and in some cases the requirements that reflect the specific values of the transfer college, for example, religion or foreign language courses). The College has core-to-core agreements with the following dual admissions partner institutions:

  • Arcadia University
  • Chestnut Hill College
  • Holy Family University
  • Kutztown University
  • La Salle University
  • Lincoln University
  • Rosemont College (Gen Ed to Gen. Ed)
  • Rutgers University – Camden
  • Shippensburg University
  • Temple University (Gen Ed to Gen. Ed)
  • Wilmington University

PASSHE Core-to-Core

The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education institutions (commonly referred to as "PASSHE") recognize that students who transfer from Community College of Philadelphia with an Associate of Science or an Associate of Arts degree shall have satisfied the general education requirements at the receiving university with a few exceptions. Details are available on each PASSHE institution's page.


These are agreements in which an entire curriculum or program of study is accepted, so graduates of these specific associate degree programs transfer with advanced standing in a specific bachelor's degree program at the transfer college. Use our search by institution or program table to search academic programs and colleges of interest.

Community College of Philadelphia also has statewide agreements with the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE). Search PASSHE statewide agreements.

All Transfer Partners

Community College of Philadelphia offers transfer agreements with the following colleges and universities.