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Student Success and Retention

Bolstering Achievment at the College
Student Success and Retention offers programs and services designed to support students to increase academic success rates at the College. Services include oversight of Starfish Connect, the College's academic early alert system, and Complete with 15, a degree completion scholarship. For additional information about services offered by the Office of Student Success and Retention, please email studentsuccess@ccp.edu or visit L1-08K or L1-08E.
Starfish Connect
Starfish Connect, the College's academic early alert system, is a communication tool for students, faculty and staff at the College, designed to provide students with feedback about academic performance with the purpose of helping students successfully complete their courses and connecting them with important campus resources.
- Assist students in being academically successful
- Help students achieve their educational goals
- Provide individually tailored assistance to students
- Engage students in their academic success
Using Starfish Connect, faculty members can raise academic alert flags (concerns), give kudos (acknowledge good performance) and refer students to campus resources for extra support. The Starfish Connect system allows faculty to easily communicate their concerns to students while at the same time communicating these concerns to student support staff on campus. The office of Student Success and Retention monitors Starfish Connect and offers outreach and support to students receiving alerts to increase their likelihood of academic success.
Complete with 15 Scholarship
Our Staff
Jamel Long
Director, Student Success and Retention
Danyelle Watson-Young
Student Success Support Coach
Aisha Castro-Ellington
Student Success Support Coach
Bridget Burless
Administrative Associate
Hours & Location
Hours | Location | Contact |
Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (academic year) and 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (summer) | Location Library and Learning Commons, | Contact Fax: 215-972-6324 or Email