Catto Scholar Blog — Chelsea Hammond

May 17, 2021

Hello, everyone. We are getting close to the end of the semester and finals! I am excited but sad at the same time. I really enjoyed my first semester at CCP, but it is time to move ahead! I have been planning for my summer classes and I was so excited to hear that this summer the Catto Scholarship will be covering last dollar tuition! This is amazing news for me. As of right now, I would have had to come out of pocket a few hundred dollars to cover the rest of my tuition. The Catto Scholarship will be covering that for me, as well as continuing my monthly stipend. This has been such an amazing scholarship and I feel blessed to be one of the first students to receive it. 

During my first semester at CCP, Catto paid for all my book costs, plus I had the monthly stipends, which really helped me cover my cost of living. Had I needed last dollar tuition for the spring, I would have received that as well.

As a student, I feel I am much less stressed out and have more time and energy to focus on my studies when I don’t have to worry about funding. Also, I met with my success coach this month and she helped me with registering for my classes, as well as understanding my financial aid. I really enjoy our meetings and I appreciate how resourceful she is. Whenever I need something, she will either point me in the right direction or contact someone to find out for me. Either way, I always get a quick answer or response. All of the staff at CCP that I have working with that are involved with the recipients of the Catto Scholarship have been so helpful. I have seen each and every one of them work hard to stay on top of things and give us the support that they have committed to.

The activities that Catto has offered throughout the spring semester kept things fun and interesting. Between interviews, meeting on Zoom with Mayor Kenney and the CCP team that started this scholarship, and monthly conferences, it has given me things to look forward to and something exciting to do in between my studies. Especially the Zoom meeting where all of the recipients of the scholarship were sent out surprise boxes to open together where we received several items from the school. That was so nice. Thank you to the Catto team and my professors for helping me earn good grades this semester. I have had so many different resources that I can utilize to help me in my studies.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of Spring 2021!