Self-Study with Ahmaud Mitchell: All about reaccreditation at the College

Apr 18, 2022

Meet Ahmad Mitchell, a second-year student who is participating in the self-study process for accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Accreditation by the Commission is important because it ensures academic excellence for students. Learn more about Ahmad and the reaccreditation process in this brief Q&A!

Q: Who is Ahmad? Tell us about yourself. 

A: I am a Culinary Arts student in my final semester of study at CCP. My expected graduation date is in May. After graduation I plan to pursue my bachelor’s degree in Food Studies/Hospitality Management.

Q: What is your involvement and participation in College organizations?

A: I am the president of the SGA, a Democracy Fellow with the Campus Vote Project, an avid volunteer with the Institute and a member of the CME

Q: What is your role in the Middle States reaccreditation process, and what has the process been like so far?

A: As a student leader, my role is to provide the student perspective and my opinion of the College’s institutional priorities and their implementation. So far, the process has been rewarding. Learning about the institution’s processes and method for delivering their product shows me the dedication they have to empower CCP students.

Q: Tell us why it’s important for students to be part of the Middle States reaccreditation process.

A: Student voices are essential to the reaccreditation process because all administrative and faculty decisions ultimately affect students. Before any changes are made it is the duty of student leaders to advocate for the best interests of students in every meeting, discussion and decision they make.

Q: What has being part of the process taught you? What have you learned?

A: The process has taught me the strength of setting goals and following a plan. When we commit to a good idea guided by ethics, we all benefit. I have learned the success of institutions like CCP [is] the result of dedication by educators, administrators, and students working together to improve the institution we share and to increase the value we contribute to our society.

Q: As a student, how does it feel alongside College faculty and staff? 

A: Working alongside faculty and staff feels rewarding. They are insightful people and genuinely want to see students succeed. My best memories are of projects and events I will have on my professional résumé in partnership with CCP staff and faculty.

Q: What are you looking forward to? What do you hope students get out of the reaccreditation process? 

A: I am looking forward to students reading about the details and structure the College considered when forming the pillars of the self-study. It really is impressive that their goals are informed by not only educating [students] but educating to benefit society. As a student you read that and say, “Wow! I can see a future for myself here, this program is right for me.”

Learn more about the Commission online