Community College of Philadelphia Names Philadelphia Native Dr. Judith Gay as Interim President

Jul 17, 2013

Community College of Philadelphia’s Board of Trustees today appointed Judith Gay, Ph.D., the Vice President for Academic Affairs, as the College’s interim president effective September 6th.

"Dr. Gay is a recognized leader in higher education whose strong focus on student success and persistence has helped to increase the number of students earning workforce credentials and associate degrees,” said Matt Bergheiser, chair of the Board of Trustees. “The College is a critical resource for the city, and its capacity to support students in graduating and transitioning to universities and to employment is the key to developing a dynamic, well-educated workforce.”

With more than three decades of experience in higher education, Dr. Gay, 63, is equipped to move forward with the College’s business as the national search for a new president gets underway. The Board of Trustees voted on Dr. Gay’s appointment at a special meeting. Dr. Sharon Thompson will serve as Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Over the years, Dr. Gay, a native Philadelphian and resident of Mt. Airy, has served in various capacities in higher education including as Division Chair at Montgomery County Community College; Full Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at Chestnut Hill College and as Assistant Professor of Psychology at Gettysburg College.

Under her leadership, Academic Affairs has employed data-driven decision-making to ensure broader student success. The division created the College’s first two academic master plans, which lay out strategic directions and foster a student-centered climate. It also strengthened curricular offerings adding in-demand certificate and degree programs and expanding distance education courses, which offer flexibility, affordability and convenience. Faculty strengthened general education requirements and developed a model for assessment of student learning outcomes.

"I want to assure the College family that the Board of Trustees’ search for a nationally-recognized leader will be inclusive, thoughtful, analytic and grounded in our mutual desire to position Community College of Philadelphia as a destination for residents, a gateway to the finest universities and an engine for workforce development,” Bergheiser wrote in a letter to College employees.