College Designated a Fit-Friendly Worksite by the American Heart Association

Sep 5, 2013

Community College of Philadelphia employees are taking bigger steps toward better health.

For a number of years, faculty and staff have been coming together to take walks around the neighborhood. In late July, new signs went up on campus marking an indoor walking trail for dedicated folks who wish to exercise, rain or shine.

The indoor walking trail begins on the second floor of the Mint Building near the Isadore A. Shrager Board room. It stretches about one-half mile, weaving through the Mint, Bonnell and West buildings past bright windows featuring breathtaking views of the Philadelphia skyline.

The indoor walking trail is part of the Office of Human Resources’ continuing focus on employee wellness. These efforts have led to the College being designated as a Fit-Friendly Workplace by the American Heart Association (AHA) for creating and promoting a culture of wellness. A Fit-Friendly Gold Plaque was presented to President Stephen M. Curtis, Ph.D.; Agnes Trummer, director of Benefits; and Ellen Fernberger, associate vice president for Human Resources, on Aug. 5 by Deena Thornton, the business development director of the AHA. The campus Walking Club was among the reasons cited for the award.

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, and physical inactivity doubles the risk, according to the AHA. Poor diet and lack of exercise are responsible for at least 25 percent of health care costs incurred by working adults. 

The College offers numerous fitness and wellness activities, including free use of the College’s Athletics Center, which offers Zumba and other popular exercise classes; on-site Weight Watchers groups; and a mobile van that offers mammography screenings, with no co-pay, for employees with Blue Cross insurance.

According to the AHA, studies show that workplace physical activity programs, along with changes in diet and nutrition, help provide several benefits for employees and organizations, such as increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, lower turnover and reduced health care costs.

Upcoming Wellness Event

Mobile Mammography Van

The van will be available at the Main Campus for screenings on Sept. 23, 2013. There is no co-pay or cost for employees with Blue Cross insurance.

Appointments can be made through Tracey Walker at x8365.