Applause! Applause! College Honors Outstanding Employees

Aug 13, 2014

The College honored employees for outstanding service during the April 30 Honors Tea in the Mint Building Rotunda.

The League for Innovation in the Community College gave Tara J. Timberman, assistant professor of English, and Kathleen M. Smith, J.D., professor of Paralegal Studies and director of the Fox Rothschild Center for Law and Society, the Innovation of the Year Award for Community College of Philadelphia for their Reentry Through Higher Education Achievement program. Dr. Judith Gay presented the award.

Jenavia Weaver, coordinator for Student Life and Leadership, received the Presidential Award for Distinguished Service for an Administrator.

Gilberto Gonzalez, graphic designer in the Division of Marketing and Government Relations and host of Entre Nosotros on CCPTV, received the Presidential Award for Distinguished Service for Diversity.

Lisa Burns, of the Northeast Regional Center, received the Presidential Award for Distinguished Service for a Classified/Confidential Employee.

Deborah D. Rossi, professor of Medical Assisting and Head Department of Allied Health, received the faculty Presidential Award for Distinguished Service.

Environmental services employees Paula Perry-Gable, Felipe Cruz; and assistant professor of Nursing, Petrina McFarlane, received certificates of appreciation and honorary nursing pins for their efforts this past fall to help a faculty member who collapsed and needed medical attention.