Students Run, College Style

Aug 15, 2016

On July 30, more than 50 student runners and their mentors crossed the finish line at Community College of Philadelphia, concluding a five-mile run and college tour that introduced many of them to the College for the first time.

The “Run to College Tour” was conceived by the staff of Students Run Philly Style (SRPS), a local nonprofit made up of runners from middle and high schools throughout the city, which helps students increase their capacity for success through mentoring and distance running. SRPS typically schedules training runs to prepare for November’s Philadelphia Marathon and Half Marathon, but its partnership with the College and Temple University allowed students the added bonus of touring college campuses while getting in their training.

Braving oppressive heat and humidity, the student runners and their took off from City Hall, ran three miles north to Temple, then two more miles south to the Main Campus in the Spring Garden area. Once they reached their final destination, Diane Kae, manager of the College’s Student Outreach and Recruitment, and her team rewarded them and with ice cold bottles of water, protein bars and gifts.

The runners, some of whom said they had only seen the campus while passing by on the bus or walking to the subway, were impressed with the surroundings.

“This is a nice campus,” said Tavionn Taylor, a 17-year-old senior from Bodine High School for International Affairs as he surveyed 17th Street. “A lot of my friends go here, but this is my first time here.”

When Taylor mentioned he was unsure where he wanted to attend college next year, Kae gave him a packet of information and suggested he consider community college with lower tuition and multiple paths for transfer. “You can be earning credits here while you’re trying to decide,” she told him.

“It’s nice to bring students on campus early,” Kae said. “We want to let them know that the College welcomes and supports them.”

SRPS running mentors Malachi Shell and Le Roy Miles also pitched the value of community college to the students, and for good reason. Both Shell (Class of 2006) and Miles (Class of 2009) graduated from the College before earning baccalaureate degrees.

“Community College of Philadelphia is one of the city’s best-kept secrets,” said Shell, who received a B.S. in accounting at Temple. “I loved my professors here. Plus it’s affordable. It definitely has its perks – and it also has best Jamaican food truck in the city!”