Community College of Philadelphia Spotlights Citizenship in 9/11 Memorial Service

Oct 3, 2017

As the nation remembered the lives lost in the September 11 terrorist attacks, Community College of Philadelphia held its own memorial service at the Bonnell Circle, where students, faculty and staff had a chance to reflect.

Dr. Donald Guy Generals, president of the College, said that even in an unthinkable crisis, the American spirit remained strong as families and communities stand united. He urged the group to preserve democracy and fight against social injustices.

“We remember those that died that day and celebrate their memory,” said Dr. Generals. “We also mark this day as an opportunity to reflect upon the responsibility of citizenship, especially in troubled times. Even then, we are able to stand together and help one another,” he said.

Kenneth Blume, president of the Student Veterans Club, presented Dr. Generals with a challenge coin. Originated during World War I, the coins bear an organization’s insignia or emblem and are carried by the organization’s members. In practice, challenge coins are normally presented by unit commanders in recognition of special achievement by a member of the unit. They are also exchanged in recognition of visits to an organization.

During the ceremony, Stephen Bachovin, coordinator for Veteran Programming at the Veterans Resource Center, paid respect to three Philadelphians who were killed in the World Trade Center attacks by reading their names and pausing to remember them. 

“Jasper Baxter, Kevin Bowser and Christopher Clark.”

“As a nation, when tragedy strikes, we do better when we come together and support each other,” said Bachovin.

The group also remembered student alumnus, Sgt. Brahim Jeffcoat. who was killed in action, in Iraq, in 2005.