CCP Statement on Recent Assault of Alumna Kendall Stephens

Aug 31, 2020

The health and safety of Community College of Philadelphia students, faculty, staff and alumni remain our highest priorities. As a result, we are devastated to learn of the recent assault against Kendall Stephens, a distinguished alumna and Black woman of trans experience who commits her life to advocating for marginalized communities. Though Pennsylvania law still does not extend hate crime protections to LGBTQ+ individuals, the attack against Kendall seems to have been just that – a hate crime.

As an institution, CCP will not remain silent. Too many Philadelphians live in fear simply due to the color of their skin, who they love, and who they are. That’s why CCP has dedicated time and resources, especially as of late, to educating our communities through the “Enough is Enough” teach-in sessions. The four-part series focused on issues like police reform, how to be an ally to Black and Brown communities, and violence against the trans community. Panelists, including Kendall, were invited to speak about lived experiences and how we can all effect change. This series will continue this fall, and CCP looks forward to leading more courageous conversations about social injustice and the collective work we must do to confront it.

We ask Philadelphia to stand in solidarity with us – for our students, for alumni like Kendall, and for the future of this city. Learn more at #EnoughIsEnough


Dr. Donald Guy Generals, College president, and Jeremiah White, Jr., Board chair, on behalf of the College’s Board of Trustees