The Black & Gold Gala recognizes outstanding service of individuals and organizations that demonstrate involvement in community growth in the areas of education, business, social services, and health. This recognition is awarded to those who exemplify leadership and are active in community initiatives in Philadelphia. This year, the College celebrated the following recipients:

Gunter Pfau
Founder and CEO, Stuzo

Ryan Boyer
Business Manager, Laborer’s District Council of Metropolitan Philadelphia & Vicinity and Philadelphia Building & Construction Trades Council

Jasmine Sessoms
Community Leader

Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
“I’m grateful to our community for coming together to support our students and recognize the exceptional leaders who are making a difference in Philadelphia,” said College President Dr. Donald “Guy” Generals during the event. “Every dollar raised goes to scholarships that so many of our students depend on as they complete their education. I’d like to thank our gala committee, the College’s Board of Trustees, the Foundation Board of Directors and our generous sponsors for making this possible.”
“We are truly blessed to be surrounded by supporters who care so much about our students,” said Dr. Ellyn Jo Waller, Community College of Philadelphia Foundation president and first lady of Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church. “This year’s gala was a huge success, thanks largely to the support of my fellow Foundation Board of Directors and the College’s Board of Trustees. I’m grateful for their work to create opportunities for students to overcome the financial barriers that so many face on their way to academic success.”

Thank you to the 2023 Black & Gold Gala sponsors

2023 Black & Gold Gala Committee
The Honorable James F. Kenney
Mayor, City of Philadelphia
Honorary Chair
Donald Guy Generals, Ed.D.
CCP President
Ellyn Jo Waller, Ed.D.
Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
CCP Foundation President
Deana Gamble
Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health
CCP Foundation Board of Directors
Nedia Ralston
Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board
CCP Foundation Board of Directors
Danielle Banks, Esq.
Stradley Ronon
Morgan Cephas
State Representative
CCP Board of Trustees
CCP Foundation Board of Directors
Ronald Davis, M.Ed.
Parx Casino
Romulo L. Diaz, Jr. Esq.
Turtle on Post LLC
Mia Fioravanti
Hilco Redevelopment Partners
CCP Foundation Board of Directors
Dione Frith
Laborers’ District Council of Philadelphia
Michele Lawrence
JPMorgan Chase
CCP Foundation Board of Directors
Tricia Maloney
FS Investments
Rev. Dr. Lorina Marshall-Blake
Independence Blue Cross Foundation
CCP Foundation Board of Directors
Jasmine Sessoms
Mark Silow, Esq.
Fox Rothschild LLP
CCP Foundation Board of Directors
Michael D. Soileau
CCP Board of Trustees
CCP Foundation Board of Directors
Dominique B.E. Ward, Esq.
Lincoln Financial Group
CCP Board of Trustees
CCP Foundation Board of Directors
Ronald Williams, Esq.
Fox Rothschild LLP
Dr. Mellissia M. Zanjani, MBA, M.S., CFRE
CCP Vice President for Institutional
Advancement & Foundation
Executive Director

Save the date for the 2024
Black & Gold Gala on
June 13, 2024.
Plan to bring friends and join us next year!
For more information, to sponsor the event or to serve on the Black & Gold Gala Committee, contact Leslie Bluestone at