
Make Helping Others Your Career

  • calendar
    Program Duration: Two Year Program
  • graduation cap
    Degree Type: Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.)
  • clock
    Total Credit Hours: 64
Nursing students standing on steps of the Mint Building

About This Program

Gain the education and training you need to play a critical role in providing treatment, support and education to both patients and their family members. You will learn legal and ethical aspects of the profession; use case studies to analyze and establish information related to patient care; work in hospitals, long-term care and community-based facilities; and use outcome measures to critically assess situations and develop treatment plans. As a student of the College’s Nursing program, you will enjoy many benefits, from an innovative curriculum to supportive faculty; state-of-the-art equipment; hands-on learning; supervised time in hospitals, geriatric settings and community-based agencies; and preparation to take the national licensure exam for credentials accepted throughout the United States.

The Nursing Program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (formerly known as the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission) and is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing.

Community College of Philadelphia's Nursing program is one of 15 in the country to be chosen as a Center of Excellence by the National League for Nursing. The program is recognized for “Enhancing the Professional Development of Students." This is the College's fourth consecutive designation as a Center of Excellence.

National Council of State Boards of Nursing Licensure Examination pass rates for CCP first-time test takers:

Area Program Completion rates2022 34.8% (cohort that started during COVID)2023 65%2024 76%%
Area Job Placement Rates2022 100% of respondents2023 100% of respondents2024 100% of respondents

Program Options

Traditional option. For this option, students may be first-time college students or have had previous college experience.

Post Baccalaureate Accelerated option. This option is limited to only those students who have a bachelor’s degree or higher in a non-nursing major and have met additional prerequisites. In addition to nursing courses, students must show evidence of completion of all other program courses. Biology 109, Biology 110, Biology 241 and Diet 111 must be completed or in progress at time of application.

Advanced Placement option. Starting with a course that bridges the information between the role of the Licensed Practical Nurse and the Registered Nurse, students then join the final courses of the traditional program option. Priority is given to LPNs and military medics for admission, and all applicants must have grades for Biology 109, English 101, Diet 111, Math 118 and Chemistry 110 on their student data sheet.

Program Admission and Requirements

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Transfer Opportunities

Bloomsburg University

Public university in central Pennsylvania offering diverse programs.

Drexel University

A private research university in Philadelphia known for co-op programs and innovation.

Eastern University

A private Christian university known for its faith-based education.

Jefferson University

Healthcare and science-focused institution in Philadelphia.

La Salle University

A private Catholic university in Philadelphia, known for diverse programs and academic excellence.

View all transfer opportunities

Program Entry Requirements


  • High school diploma or GED
  • Biology 106 (or one year of high school biology)*
  • Chemistry 110 (or one year of high school chemistry)*
  • Two years of college preparatory math with a C or better
  • Placement in FNMT 118
  • Placement in ENGL 101
  • GPA of 2.75 or higher

*Science courses must be less than 10 years old. For applicants holding a high school diploma, the 10-year requirement is calculated from the date of graduation. For all other applicants, the date is calculated from the semester and year the course was successfully completed.

STS 101 (there is only one course) may be substituted for BIOL 106 and CHEM 110.

Applicants must be 18 years of age on or before the first day of the semester in which they begin the Nursing designated courses.

Admission Process:

  • Access program information via website and download application
  • Submit application by January 31
  • All prerequisite courses must be completed and posted by January 31.
  • All transfer credits must be posted to the students Community College of Philadelphia record by January 31.
  • Take the Kaplan Pre Nursing test.
  • Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Requirements Upon Admission:

Admission is considered conditional until all health and background information is received and reviewed.

Nursing Health Requirement:

A record of complete physical examination including required laboratory test results and immunizations must be uploaded into CastleBranch and approved prior to beginning the Nursing program. A physical examination is also required of students prior to the beginning of the second year of the program. Immunizations may be supplemented with additional immunizations as clinical agencies require, such as but not limited to seasonal flu vaccinations. Health requirements must be documented in English by a U.S. health care provider. 

During College nursing skills laboratory and clinical agency experiences, physical activity is required. Standing and walking are required during the entire workday (6 to 12 hours). Students should be able to have full range of motion, push, pull, twist, lift and bend. Health problems that could interfere with the applicant's ability to meet program objectives will be considered individually. Students will be asked to complete the Essential Functions document. 

Students who are registered with the Center on Disability must inform the instructor by the end of the first week of class if special accommodations are required. An accommodation is an adjustment in how a task is achieved, without compromising the objective, integrity, or essential nature of the course of the program. Students who require accommodations beyond extended time and quiet environment must inform the Department Head for Nursing at least one month prior to the beginning of classes.

Background Checks:

Clinical experience in the Nursing program includes contact with children and older adults. This experience could be in hospitals, schools or other community agencies. In order to participate in these experiences, students must obtain a criminal record check and child abuse history clearance prior to entrance into the Nursing program. This Nursing program requirement is mandated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania per 24 P.S. 1-111 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code and 23 Pennsylvania C.S.A. 6355 of the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law. Any official change or the initiation of any governmental proceeding affecting the information revealed by the required criminal or child abuse background check must be reported immediately to the head of the Nursing program.

The Professional Nursing law permits the Nursing Board to consider the "moral character of any nursing candidate." The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing makes the final determination concerning an applicant's eligibility for R.N. licensure. The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing considers any and all prior convictions, including guilty plea, plea of nolo contendere, receiving probation without verdict, accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD), or any other disposition (excluding acquittal or dismissal) of any criminal charges, felony or misdemeanor, including DUI/DWI, drug law violations, pending and/or unresolved charges and expunged and juvenile records, when determining whether to allow an applicant to apply for R.N. licensure. 

The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing reserves the right to deny a license to any candidate who has been convicted of any felonious act. Conviction includes a judgment, an admission of guilt or a plea of nolo contendere, probation without verdict, or incomplete ARD. Further, the board shall not issue a license to any applicant who has been:

  1. convicted of a felonious act prohibited by the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L. 233, No. 64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act; or
  2. convicted of a felony relating to a controlled substance in a court of law of the United States or any other state, territory or country unless:


    1. at least 10 years have elapsed from the date of the conviction;
    2. the applicant satisfactorily demonstrates to the board significant progress in personal rehabilitation since the conviction such that licensure should not create a substantial risk of further violations; and
    3. the applicant otherwise satisfies the qualifications contained in this act.

The College, in its admissions process, will consider information regarding criminal convictions and/or crimes of moral turpitude. Admission is conditional pending receipt and evaluation of a Pennsylvania State Police and F.B.I. criminal background check, child abuse check and drug screening test. A positive result in any of these areas may bar the student from being admitted into the Nursing program. 

The following guidelines are used for making decisions about an applicant's criminal and child abuse background:

Child Abuse Clearance:

  • Any record results in denial of admission into the Nursing program.

Criminal Background Checks:

  • Any felony conviction within the past ten years results in denial of admission to the Nursing program.
  • Any felony conviction more than 10 years old will be evaluated based on the nature of the offense, length of time since the offense, and any explanatory letters/materials submitted by the applicant or student.
  • Any misdemeanor will be evaluated based on the nature of the offense, length of time since the offense, and explanatory letter/materials submitted by the applicant or student. (Any punishment over one year indicates a felony according to federal sentencing guidelines.)

Drug Screening Clearance:

  • The Nursing program requires participation in clinical education. Clinical affiliates of the Nursing program require evidence of a negative drug screening test in order for a student to participate in the clinical education part of the nursing program at their facility. Therefore any student with a positive drug screening test cannot be admitted into the Nursing program.

Additional Requirements:

  • CPR Certification - health care provider
  • Health Insurance
  • Professional Liability insurance
  • Transportation to clinical facilities
  • Purchase of uniforms and supplies
  • Meet essential functions requirements
  • Acknowledgment of the Nursing Education Verification documentation requirements. In order for graduates to sit for the nursing licensure examination, the nursing program administrator


An applicant who believes that an error of fact has been made in terms of the information provided to the decision-making committee can request reconsideration by the committee. This request must be made in writing within 10 days from the date of the letter notifying the applicant of the decision. The reconsideration should address what the applicant considers to be errors of fact.

Following reconsideration by the decision-making committee, the applicant can appeal the committee's decision to the vice president for Academic and Student Success, whose decision is final. 

Disciplinary Action:

Involvement in any incident which resulted in disciplinary action against a student at the Community College of Philadelphia or any postsecondary institution is considered in the admissions process. The Nursing program reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant who has a documented history of violating College rules and regulations or who has been previously suspended or expelled from the College or any other post-secondary educational institution.


To remain in the Nursing curriculum, students must maintain a grade of C or better in all nursing and required pre- and corequisite courses. During all clinical laboratory experiences, students must maintain client safety. Violation of safety may result in an immediate clinical failure, an administrative withdrawal and a grade of "F" for the course. Students whose attitudes and behavior are viewed as inconsistent with professional standards may be dropped from the curriculum pending the results of a departmental hearing. A nursing student must inform the Head of the Department of Nursing immediately if there is a change in the student's criminal background or child abuse clearance while the student is enrolled in the nursing program. If changes occur in the student's criminal background or child abuse clearance during enrollment in the nursing program, the student's situation will be reevaluated and this may lead to termination from the Nursing program.


Students requesting readmission to the Nursing program must meet program entry requirements and conditions for acceptance. Students requesting readmission are selected on a competitive basis as space permits. The program must be completed within four years of initial enrollment. Students who were dropped from the program for unprofessional conduct or violation of patient safety issues may not be considered for readmission.

Students applying for readmission must have a college GPA of 2.75 by July 1 for September enrollment or by September 1 for January enrollment.  Additional requirements apply. Applicants for readmission are encouraged to speak with the Department Head for Nursing. Applications are available on the website or in W1-1.

Post Baccalaureate Associate Degree Nursing Option

Post Baccalaureate Associate Degree in Nursing offers qualified applicants an opportunity to finish their degree in Nursing in less than two calendar years.  The four nursing courses are offered in Summer/Fall/Spring/Summer spanning a 14 month time period.  Students who successfully complete the Nursing option's four-course cycle will be eligible to take the NCLEX licensing exam for their R.N. 

Applicants for the Post Baccalaureate Associate Degree Option must meet all of the requirements for the traditional program. All policies and procedures related to the traditional option apply to students in the accelerated option. 

Exceptions are noted below.

To be eligible for this option, students must have completed all co-requisite courses (BIOL 109, BIOL 110, BIOL 241 and NUTR 111) prior to the beginning of the Summer term,  All transfer courses must appear on data sheet by end of Spring semester prior to admission to the program. Applicants must also meet the requirements for admission to the traditional program including a GPA of at least 2.75.

Advanced Placement Option

Licensed practical nurses, corpsmen, and candidates who have had one year of successful previous nursing school experience in the U.S. may apply for advanced placement through Credit by Prior Learning Assessment for Nursing 101. Advanced placement candidates must complete all admission requirements for consideration by the department. Successful completion of Health B9026, the noncredit transition course, is required before advanced placement is granted. Students who meet these criteria are admitted on a space-available basis. Applications are due by May 15. Application does not ensure admission. Preference is given to licensed practical nurses seeking this career ladder option. 

All Advanced Placement Option applicants must complete the following courses, with a "C" or better, by  May 31 prior to the anticipated September transition course and January enrollment. Transfer credits must be posted on the student record by May 31.

Documentation of Prior Learning is required. LPNs must submit a current, active LPN license in good standing in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and a transcript from the LPN school. Medics/corpsmen must submit evidence of honorable discharge from a branch of the U.S. military indicating training and service as a medic/corpsman.

Students who plan to transfer from another school of nursing in the United States must provide a transcript showing a GPA of 2.75 or higher, at least one year of clinical courses with satisfactory performance (provide course descriptions) and a letter of reference from the school.

Program of Study and Graduation Requirements

To qualify for the A.A.S. degree in Nursing, students must complete 64 credit hours as prescribed, attain a grade point average of 2.0 or better and no grade below "C" in any course. All students must complete the nursing course sequence within four academic years of the date of admission to the first nursing course.

General Education Requirements

All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College's general education requirements is also available.

Nurse in a hospital room smiles for the camera.

Launch Your Career in Nursing

  • Nurse Practitioners– est. salary $137,482
  • Nurse Midwife – est. salary $132,509
  • Registered Nurse – est. salary $98,908
**EMSI Data, 2025; The greater Philadelphia region; a percentage of people in these jobs may have a bachelor's degree or higher.

Career Outlook


Median Salary of a Registered Nurse


Number of Jobs in the Region


10-year Job Outlook in the Region for Registered Nurses

Featured Career

Registered Nurse

Assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing care plans, and maintain medical records. Administer nursing care to ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. May advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide case management.

Starting Pay: $72,997

Nursing student works at a hospital bedside.

Responsibilities of the Registered Nurse

  • Perform physical exams and health histories
  • Provide health promotion, counseling and education
  • Administer medications, wound care, and numerous other personalized interventions
  • Interpret patient information and make critical decisions about needed actions
  • Coordinate care, in collaboration with a wide array of healthcare professionals
  • Direct and supervise care delivered by other healthcare personnel like LPNs and nurse aides
  • Conduct research in support of improved practice and patient outcomes


RNs practice in all healthcare settings: hospitals, nursing homes, medical offices, ambulatory care centers, community health centers, schools, and retail clinics. They also provide health care in more surprising locations such as camps, homeless shelters, prisons, sporting events and tourist destinations.