City College for Municipal Employment Interest Form

We’re looking for the best in Philly to make Philly the best it can be.

If you want to make a difference in Philadelphia, this is the place to start.

The City of Philadelphia offers dependable jobs in municipal government with good salaries, great benefits, and pathways for growth and career advancement. 

Through the first ever City College for Municipal Employment (CCME), Community College of Philadelphia is ready to help prepare you for these jobs.

Together, we’re creating a future for Philly that’s safer, cleaner, and greener for everyone, and we’re looking for people excited by what Philly can become. If that’s you, and you want your time, your talent, and your energy to really mean something, join us!

Well dressed man

Spring registration for the City College for Municipal Employment is now open.

We’re offering you the opportunity to train for City jobs at no cost to you—and you’ll be eligible to earn financial achievement incentives throughout your preferred career training pathway.

CCP Program: Computer Support Specialist
City Careers: Computer User Support Specialist

CCP Program: Office Administration
City Careers: Office Clerk

CCP Program: Transportation Technology
City Careers: Trades Helper (Auto Mechanic)

CCP Program: Patient Service Representative
City Careers: Medical Clerk

CCP Program: Public Safety
City Careers: Corrections Officer

Fill out this form if you’re interested in training for City jobs at no cost to you.

Your Name
Highest Level of Education Completed
Are you currently employed?
Type of Employment
Are you a CCP employee?
Are you currently a student at CCP?
Have you ever taken a class at CCP?
Are you a current City of Philadelphia employee?
Are you interested in possibly becoming a City employee?
What is your primary pathway of interest?
Would you consider a different pathway?