Program Duration: 2 Year Program
Degree Type: Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.)
Total Credit Hours: 83

About This Program
Our Dental Hygiene program will teach you how to play a critical role as part of a dental health care team that educates and treats patients. You will provide preventative care and treatment, which may include medical and dental history review, head and neck examination, exposure of dental radiographs (x- rays), dental prophylaxis (teeth cleaning), fluoride, sealants and polishing of restorations. This is the only accredited Dental Hygiene program in Philadelphia, through which you will use state-of-the-art equipment; have access to faculty who are experts in the dental hygiene profession; benefit from supervised, hands-on experience with patients; and receive excellent preparation for taking the required exams for licensing and certification.
This program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association.
Program Entry Requirements
Admission is selective and requires that potential students fulfill all admission requirements of the College. The requirements for admission to the Dental Hygiene program are:
- High school diploma or general education diploma (GED).
- A minimum of one year of high school biology, chemistry and college preparatory math, all with "C" or better grades, within the past 10 years. In the absence of these requirements, placement in MATH 118 and a grade of "C" or better In BIOL 106 and CHEM 110 satisfies these requirements.
- Applicants must demonstrate readiness for ENGL 101 and MATH 118 as determined by the College's placement or by successfully completing identified developmental course work.
- Applicants with previous college experience must have a minimum of a 2.50 grade point average.
- Applicants are required to participate in the pre-entrance Allied Health testing program.
- Students are admitted to the program on a competitive basis as space allows.
Applicants must be 18 years of age on or before the first day of the semester in which they begin the Dental Hygiene designated courses.
Conditions For Acceptance:
- Results of complete physical and dental examinations, including laboratory test results of a complete blood count, serology, urinalysis, tuberculin PPD test and immunizations must be on file in the program office before the start of any dental course (September of starting year).
Verification of medical insurance is mandatory. - Applicants must attend a scheduled program orientation prior to entry.
- Students must purchase uniforms and a Dental Hygiene supply kit prior to the start of the program (August of starting year).
- Students must attend a fall and spring Study Skills Workshop.
- Students must obtain a criminal record check, FBI (federal) clearance and a child abuse clearance prior to entrance into the program. This Dental Hygiene requirement is mandated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania per 24 P.S. 1-111 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code and 23 Pennsylvania C.S.A. 6355 of the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law.
- The College, in its admission process, will consider information regarding criminal conviction and/or crimes of moral turpitude. Admission is conditional pending receipt and evaluation of a criminal background check, FBI (federal) clearance and child abuse clearance to determine whether there is any conviction which may bar the student from the Dental Hygiene program and/or state licensure. The following guidelines are used in making decisions about an applicant's criminal and child abuse background:
Child Abuse Clearance:
Any record results in denial of admission into the DH program.
Criminal Background Check:
Any felony conviction within the past 10 years results in denial of admission to the DH program. Any felony conviction more than 10 years old will be evaluated based on the nature of the offense, length of time since the offense and any explanatory letters/materials submitted by the applicant or student. Any misdemeanor will be evaluated based on the nature of the offense, length of time since the offense, and explanatory letter/materials submitted by the applicant or student. (Any punishment over one year indicates a felony according to federal sentencing guidelines.)
An applicant who believes that an error of fact has been made in terms of the information provided to the decision-making committee can request reconsideration by the committee. This request must be made in writing within 10 days from the date of the letter notifying the applicant of the decision. The reconsideration should address what the applicant considers to be errors of fact.
Following reconsideration by the decision making committee, the applicant can appeal the committee's decision to the vice president for Academic Affairs whose decision is final.
Any official change or the initiation of any governmental proceeding affecting the information revealed by the required criminal or child abuse background check must be reported immediately to the DH curriculum supervisor.
Involvement in any incident which resulted in a disciplinary action against a student at Community College of Philadelphia or any post-secondary institution is considered in the admissions process. The DH program reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant who has a history of violating College rules and regulations or who has been previously suspended or expelled from the College or any other post-secondary educational institution.
- One-time readmission into the Dental Hygiene program is permitted.
- Students requesting a readmission must meet program entry requirements, conditions for acceptance, and are selected on a competitive basis as space permits.
- Students may be required to retake dental and/or general education courses as determined by the program director.
- A student seeking readmission to the Dental Hygiene program must demonstrate clinical and didactic proficiency at the acceptable course level stated in the appropriate clinical courses. this conditional acceptance for returning students will be determined by the Program Director.
- Students who were dropped for unprofessional conduct or safety issues will not be considered for readmission.
- The program must be completed within five years of initial enrollment.
General Education Requirements
All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College's general education requirements is also available.
Program of Study and Graduation Requirements
- Students exhibiting unprofessional conduct or violation of safety policies may be dropped from the curriculum pending a program review.
- To continue in the Dental Hygiene curriculum, students must maintain an overall 2.50 GPA.
- Students will not be permitted to continue in a clinical course without a yearly medical and dental exam and proof of medical insurance on file.
- Dental Hygiene students must follow the curriculum sequence according to courses listed in each semester, unless approval is granted by the program director.
- Dental Hygiene students must submit proof of two-year CPR certification prior to entering the first year's spring semester.

Launch Your Career in Dental Hygiene
- Dental Hygienist – est. salary $95,160
Starting Pay for Dental Hygienists
Number of Jobs in the Region
10-year Job Outlook in the Region for Dental Hygienists
Dental Hygienists
Administer oral hygiene care to patients. Assess patient oral hygiene problems or needs and maintain health records. Use x-ray machines, and advise patients on how to maintain oral health.

Typical Tasks
- Record and review patient medical histories
- Clean calcareous deposits, accretions, and stains from teeth and beneath margins of gums, using dental instruments.
- Feel and visually examine gums for sores and signs of disease.
- Examine gums, using probes, to locate periodontal recessed gums and signs of gum disease.
Provide clinical services or health education to improve and maintain the oral health of patients or the general public.
- Chart conditions of decay and disease for diagnosis and treatment by dentist.
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