College Directory
Name | Location | Phone | |
Name Main Number | Location All locations | Phone 215-751-8000 | |
Name Admissions Welcome Center | Location P1-5 | Phone 215-751-8010 | Email Contact Admissions |
Name Academic Advising | Location BG-12 | Phone 215-751-8777 215-751-8778 | Email Contact Academic Advising |
Name Access and Community Engagement | Location S3-3 | Phone 215-751-8381 | Email Contact Access and Community Engagement |
Name Alumni Relations | Location A7-127 | Phone 215-751-8042 | Email Contact Alumni Relations |
Name Assessment Center (Placement Testing) | Location BG-14 | Phone 215-751-8006 | Email Contact Assessment Center |
Name Athletics Center (Gym) | Location G1-12 | Phone 215-751-8964 | Email Contact Athletics Center (Gym) |
Name Bookstore (Main Campus) | Location Pavilion Building | Phone 215-751-8151 | Email Contact the Bookstore |
Name Business and Technology | Location C1-9 | Phone 215-496-6164 | |
Name Career Services Center | Location C1-34 | Phone 215-496-6176 | Email Contact Career Services |
Name Center for Male Engagement | Location S1-5 | Phone 215-751-8817 | Email Contact Center for Male Engagement |
Name Center on Disability | Location BG-39 | Phone 215-751-8050 | Email Contact Center on Disability |
Name Continuing Professional Education | Location C1-9 | Phone 215-496-6158 | Email Contact Continuing Professional Education |
Name Corporate Solutions (Workforce Development) | Location C1-9 | Phone 215-496-6158 | Email Contact Corporate Solutions |
Name Counseling Center | Location BG-7 | Phone 215-751-8169 | Email Contact Counseling Center |
Name Diversity and Equity Office | Location M2-3 | Phone 215-751-8039 | |
Name Educational Support Services | Location L1-08I | Phone 215-751-8551 | |
Name English Language Learners Student Services | Location L1-06C | Phone 215-751-8479 | Email Contact English Language Learners Student Services |
Name Financial Aid | Location MG-13 | Phone 215-751-8270 215-751-8271 | Email Contact Financial Aid |
Name Gender and Sexuality Resources Center | Location S3-09 | Phone 215-751-8808 | Email Contact Gender and Sexuality Resource Center |
Name Gifts and Giving | Location A7-127 | Phone 215-751-8042 | |
Name Human Resources | Location A7-142 | Phone 215-751-8035 | Email Contact Human Resources |
Name Institutional Advancement | Location A7-127 | Phone 215-751-8042 | Email Contact Institutional Advancement |
Name Learning Lab | Location Learning Commons | Phone 215-751-8480 | |
Name Learning Lab (Math and Business) | Location LR-01 | Phone 215-751-8481 | |
Name Learning Lab (West – Science and Allied Health) | Location W3-26 | Phone 215-751-8480 | |
Name Liberal Studies | Location BR-21 | Phone 215-751-8450 | |
Name Library | Location L1 | Phone 215-751-8383 | Email Contact Library Services |
Name Lost and Found | Location MG-12 | Phone 215-751-8111 | |
Name Main Parking Garage | Location 434 N. 17th Street | Phone 215-972-6211 | |
Name Math, Science and Health Careers | Location W2-7 | Phone 215-751-8430 | |
Name Northeast Regional Center | Location 12901 Townsend Road | Phone 215-972-6372 | |
Name Northwest Regional Center | Location 1300 W. Godfrey Avenue | Phone 215-751-8773 | |
Name Online Learning | Location B2-26 | Phone 215-751-8415 | Email Contact Online Learning |
Name Scholarships | Location A7-127 | Phone 215-751-8042 | Email Contact Scholarships |
Name Security – Main Campus | Location MG-12 | Phone 215-751-8111 | |
Name Security – Northeast | Location Lobby | Phone 215-972-6219 | |
Name Security – Northwest | Location Lobby | Phone 215-496-6012 | |
Name Security – West | Location Lobby | Phone 215-516-3663 | |
Name Student Academic Computer Center | Location Learning Commons CBI C3-17 | Phone 215-751-8810 215-751-6166 | |
Name Student Government Association | Location S1-12 | Phone 215-751-8212 | |
Name Student Leadership and Involvement Center | Location S1-12 | Phone 215-496-6196 215-751-8162 | |
Name Student Life Center | Location S1-19 | Phone 215-751-8164 | Email Contact Student Life Center |
Name Student Records and Registration | Location MG-19 | Phone 215-751-8700 | Email Contact Student Records and Registration |
Name Student Tuition Services | Location BG-38 | Phone 215-751-8130 | Email Contact Student Tuition Services |
Name The Vanguard Newspaper | Location S1-12 | Phone | Email Contact The Vanguard Newspaper |
Name Transcript Information | Location MG-19 | Phone 215-751-8260 | Email Contact Transcript Information |
Name Veterans Resource Center | Location BG-43 | Phone 215-516-3697 | Email Contact Veterans Resource Center |
Name West Regional Center | Location 4725 Chestnut Street | Phone 215-516-3650 | |
Name Workforce Development (See Corporate Solutions) | Location | Phone |
Room locations are identified by letter and number:
B=Bonnell, C=Center for Business & Industry, G=Athletics Center (Gym), L=Library, M=Mint, P=Pavilion, W=West, S= Winnet Student Life Building, A=Annex (1500 Spring Garden Street, 7th Floor), G=Ground, 1=1st Level, R=Rotunda, 2=2nd Level, 3=3rd Level, 4=4th Level, NERC=Northeast Regional Center, NWRC=Northwest Regional Center, WERC=West Regional Center. The last one or two numerals represent the room number.