Prior Learning Assessment

Credit for What You Know
Prior Learning Assessment for Veterans
Some of the training and instruction you received in the military may be eligible for college credit.
When that prior learning matches a course needed in your program of study, you may request evaluation of your official military transcript. If you have questions about what courses you need to fulfill your program requirements, you should meet with an Academic Advisor before moving forward.
You may order transcripts online. When completing the form, request that an official copy of your military transcript be sent directly to Community College of Philadelphia. Official transcripts must come directly from the military or arrive stamped and sealed.
- Air Force: Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)
- Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy: Joint Services Transcript (JST)
If you plan to challenge a course by exam, look into the financial support available for veterans and members of the military who wish to take CLEP or DSST exams.
For more information on CLEP exams for veterans, including a list of available subjects and how to get started, visit College Board and read this helpful CLEP for military veterans flyer.
Credit Programs with Prior Learning Credits
The College has programs that are designed for students who seek a degree that recognizes work and experience as part of college learning: Individualized Studies and Applied Engineering Technology.
The Individualized Studies program recognizes valuable training and/or work experience by giving students the opportunity to receive college credits for their experiences and to apply that experience and knowledge to an associate's degree. It assists individuals in their preparation for career advancement or change. In the first semester, the student will develop a Personal Education Plan (PEP) directly related to career or educational goals. The PEP requires the approval of the department head.
This select program has three components:
- Prior learning assessment: 12-30 credits in the Technical/Occupational core from industry certifications, work experience, non-credit to credit program articulations, and evidence of other demonstrated competencies
- 21 credits of General Education
- 6-24 credits taken as part of a Personal Education Plan
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program graduates will be able to:
- Use oral, written, and non-verbal methods of communication to examine and discuss problems and issues.
- Analyze primary and secondary sources in different academic disciplines to discern and respect diverse perspectives and experiences.
- Use critical thinking to solve problems within and across disciplines.
- Demonstrate proficiency in a Technical/Occupational Core.
Program Entry Requirements
This is a select program. Prospective students must attend a program orientation prior to admission. All students need to take the College's placement at their time of entry into the College. Students who are identified as needing developmental coursework must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses as part of the program. Students are accepted into the program upon assessment of their prior learning and the application of credits to the Technical /Occupational Core.
Program of Study and Graduation Requirements
A minimum of 60 credits and a grade point average of 2.0 are required for graduation with an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in Individualized Studies.
Course Sequence
Semester 1
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name Technical/Occupational Core Students submit industry certifications, work experience, non-credit to credit program articulations, and evidence of other demonstrated competencies for consideration for prior learning assessment. | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 12-30 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name ENGL 101 - English Composition I or ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors) | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Writing, Research, and Info Lit 1 |
Course Number and Name FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra | Prerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 017 or FNMT 019 completed or FNMT 118 (or higher) placement | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Quantitative Reasoning |
Course Number and Name CIS 103 - Introduction to Information Technology | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Technological Competency |
Course Number and Name BIOL 123 - Principles of Biology I or CHEM 101 - Fundamentals of Chemistry I (Lab Based) or CHEM 103 - Fundamentals of Chemistry I (Non-Lab Based) or CHEM 105 - Inquiry into Chemistry or CHEM 110 - Introductory Chemistry or CHEM 121 - College Chemistry I or EASC 111 - Environmental Conservation or PHYS 105 - Survey of Physics or PHYS 108 - Descriptive Astronomy or PHYS 111 - General Physics I or PHYS 125 - Musical Acoustics or PHYS 140 - Mechanics, Heat and Sound or STS 101 - Introduction to Science, Technology and Society | Prerequisites and Corequisites For BIOL 123: CHEM 121 or CHEM 110 with a "C" or better and high school biology or permission of the department head. For CHEM 105: ENGL 101 ready. For CHEM 110: FNMT 118 or MATH 118 placement and ENGL 101 ready. For CHEM 121: CHEM 110 with a grade of "C" or better and FNMT 118 or MATH 118. For Phys 105: FNMT 118 (or higher) placement or a passing grade in FNMT 017 (or higher) are required. For PHYS 111: MATH 162 or Math 171 or MATH 171 placement. For Phys 140: MATH 171. For STS 101: MATH 118 or higher placement | Credits 3 or 4 credits | Gen Ed Req. Scientific Reasoning |
The sequence shown is for illustration purposes. The length of time it takes for a student to complete the Program will vary depending on many factors including how many credits he or she transfers into the Program.
Semester 2
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors) | Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101 with a grade of "C" or better | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Writing, Research, and Info Lit 2 |
Course Number and Name ENGL 115 - Public Speaking or | Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101, which may be taken concurrently | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Oral Communication/ Creative Expression |
Course Number and Name HIST 101 - United States History: Colonial America through the Revolutionary Era or HIST 102 - United States History: The Civil War and the 19th Century or HIST 103 - United States History: The 20th Century and Beyond or HIST 103H - United States and Pennsylvania History: The 20th Century (Honors) or SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology or SOC 101H - Introduction to Sociology (Honors) or any Cultural Analysis & Interpretation Elective | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Cultural Analysis & Interpretation |
Course Number and Name General Elective | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 or 4 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Semester 3
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name Personal Education Plan (PEP) To make sure the student takes a coherent and thoughtful series of courses, the student and department chair will develop the Personal Education Plan, which focuses on the student's anticipated career path. The PEP will be approved by the department head within the student's first semester. | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 to 12 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Semester 4
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name Personal Education Plan (PEP) To make sure the student takes a coherent and thoughtful series of courses, the student and department chair will develop the Personal Education Plan, which focuses on the student's anticipated career path. The PEP will be approved by the department head within the student's first semester. | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 to 12 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate
General Education Requirements
All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College's general education requirements is also available.
For More Information
The Division of Business and Technology, Room B2-22, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8785; or the College Information Center (215) 751-8010
College-Level Exam Program (CLEP)
Earn College Credit by Exam
The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) was created by the College Board to allow students to demonstrate college-level achievement through a series of exams in undergraduate content. All CLEP testing is computer-based and exams are available year-round. Below is a listing of Community College of Philadelphia courses that may be challenged through CLEP.
You will need to register and pay your exam fee via the My Account portal on the College Board website. Once you receive an automated email confirming the registration of your exam, you'll need to print out your registration ticket.
Next steps:
- Contact the Assessment Center at Community College of Philadelphia at 215-751-8006 or, to schedule your test.
- You must bring with you your CLEP Exam Registration Ticket and a valid photo ID when you come to take the exam.
- There is a $20 fee to take the exam to be paid at the Assessment Center (this fee is waived for current Community College of Philadelphia students).
- The College accepts cash, personal checks and money orders, but does not accept credit card payments.
- Financial aid does not cover the test administration fee.
- To prepare for the exam, including practice tests, visit the Free Library of Philadelphia Learning Express Library database. You must use a valid library card to access this information.
Information on reviewing and sending your scores may be found at the College Board website. CLEP scores should be sent to:
Community College of Philadelphia
Transfer Credit and Placement Office
1700 Spring Garden Street, Room MG-17
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Upon receipt of score report, credit eligible exams with passing scores will appear on your academic record within 30 days. No letter grade is awarded, you will receive a "pass" or "fail" grade. Code "CE" (Credit by Examination) will be recorded on your academic record upon passing the exam. CLEP scores are not included in your grade point average (GPA). If you intend to transfer, contact your college of choice to confirm acceptance of CLEP.
Courses Eligible for the College-Level Exam Program (CLEP)
Course descriptions and prerequisite information are available in the College Catalog.
Course | Title | Exam | Credits | Pass Score |
ACCT 101 | Financial Accounting | CLEP Financial Accounting | 4 | 50 |
FREN 101 | Introductory French | CLEP French Language, Level 1 | 3 | 50 |
FREN 102 | Introductory French | CLEP French Language, Level 1 | 3 | 50 |
FREN 201 | Intermediate French | CLEP French Language, Level 2 | 3 | 62 |
FREN 202 | Intermediate French | CLEP French Language, Level 2 | 3 | 62 |
MKTG 131 | Principles of Marketing | CLEP Principles of Marketing | 3 | 50 |
MNGT 141 | Principles of Management | CLEP Principles of Management | 3 | 50 |
MNGT 262 | Business Law | CLEP Introductory Business Law | 3 | 50 |
PSYC 101 | Introduction to Psychology | CLEP Introductory Psychology | 3 | 50 |
PSYC 215 | Developmental Psychology | CLEP Developmental Psychology | 3 | 50 |
SPAN 101 | Introductory Spanish | CLEP Spanish Language, Level 1 | 3 | 50 |
SPAN 102 | Introductory Spanish | CLEP Spanish Language, Level 1 | 3 | 50 |
SPAN 201 | Intermediate Spanish | CLEP Spanish Language, Level 2 | 3 | 66 |
SPAN 202 | Intermediate Spanish | CLEP Spanish Language, Level 2 | 3 | 66 |
Departmental Challenge Exam
There are many courses that you may challenge by taking a Departmental Challenge Exam. Below is a listing of Community College of Philadelphia courses that may be challenged through Departmental Challenge Exams.
Please note the following important information about Departmental Challenge Exams:
- Eligibility requirements are completion of course prerequisite with a grade of "C-" or better.
- You must be currently enrolled at the College.
- Departmental Challenge Exams may only be taken once for each course.
- Not all departments permit credit by exam.
To request a Departmental Challenge Exam, email or visit the Transfer Credit and Placement Office on the Main Campus in the Mint Building, Ground Floor, Room MG-17.
Next steps:
- Notification of eligibility and exam information will be sent via email.
- Upon receiving approval to take the exam, a nonrefundable charge (except in extenuating circumstances) of $159 will be placed onto your account.
- This fee is applied for each course taken by Departmental Challenge Exam.
- Financial aid does not cover the cost of Departmental Challenge Exams.
- Payments may be made in person at the Office of Student Tuition Services on the Main Campus in the Bonnell Building, Ground Floor, Room BG-38, or online via MyCCP.
- For all payments made in person, you must inform the Office of Student Tuition Services that payments are to be applied to the Credit by Exam charge.
- Payments made online will be applied to outstanding charges before the Credit by Exam charge is satisfied.
- Photo ID will be required for testing.
If credit has been earned, it will appear on your academic record upon receipt of the completed Departmental Challenge Exam. No letter grade is awarded; all Departmental Challenge Exams receive grades of “pass” or “fail.” Code "CE" (Credit by Examination) will be recorded on your academic record upon passing the exam. Departmental Challenge Exams are not included in your grade point average (GPA). If you intend to transfer, contact your college of choice to confirm acceptance of CLEP.
Courses Eligible for a Departmental Challenge Exam
Course descriptions and prerequisite information may be found in the College Catalog.
Course | Title | Credits |
ASL 215 | ASL Fingerspelling | 3 |
ASL 231 | Advanced American Sign Language I | 3 |
CIS 103 | Applied Computer Technology | 3 |
FNMT 118 | Intermediate Algebra | 3 |
MATH 161 | Precalculus I | 3 |
MATH 162 | Precalculus II | 3 |
MATH 171 | Calculus I | 4 |
MATH 172 | Calculus II | 4 |
MATH 270 | Linear Algebra | 4 |
MUS 100 | Music Reading | 3 |
MUS 101 | Piano I | 1 |
MUS 102 | Piano II | 1 |
MUS 103 | Introduction to Music | 3 |
MUS 196 | Ensemble I | 1 |
MUS 197 | Ensemble II | 1 |
Advanced Placement
Students may receive credit for some courses by taking the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exam. Test scores are valid for five (5) years. View accepted courses for college placement and/or credit below.
* Test scores are valid for ten (10) years.
** Test scores do not expire.
Advanced Placement Examination | Minimum Score | College Equivalency | Course Title | Credits |
Art – Drawing | 3 for non-art majors; 4 with portfolio review for Art majors | ART 105 | Drawing I | 3 |
Art 2-D Design | 3 for non-art majors; 4 with portfolio review for Art majors | ART 125 | DESIGN I | 3 |
Art 3-D Design | 3 for non-art majors; 4 with portfolio review for Art majors | ART 111 | Three- Dimensional Design I | 3 |
Art History | 3 for non-art majors; 4 with portfolio review for Art majors | ART 103 | Art History: Prehistory to Renaissance | 3 |
Biology | 4 | General Biology I and II | BIOL 106 and BIOL 107 | 8 |
Biology | 5 | Principles of Biology I and II | BIOL 123 and BIOL 124 | 8 |
Calculus AB** | 4 | Waived from math portion of the College's placement test AND receive credit for MATH 171 | Calculus I | 4 |
Calculus BC** | 4 | Waived from math portion of the College's placement test AND receive credit for MATH 171 and MATH 172 | Calculus I & Calculus II | 8 |
Chemistry* | 4 | CHEM 121 | College Chemistry I | 4 |
Chemistry* | 5 | CHEM 121 & CHEM 122 | College Chemistry I & II | 8 |
Chinese Language and Culture | 3 | CHIN 101 and CHIN 102 | Elementary Chinese I & II | 6 |
Comparative Government and Politics | 3 | POLS 101 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
Computer Science | 4 | CSCI 111 | Computer Science I with Java and Python | 4 |
English Literature and Composition | 4 or 5 | ENGL 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
Environmental Science | 3 | EASC 111 | Environmental Conservation | 3 |
European History | 3 | History Elective | History Elective | 3 |
French Language and Culture | 3 | FREN 101 and FREN 102 | Introductory French | 6 |
Human Geography | 3 | GEOG 103 | Introduction to Human Geography | 3 |
International Baccalaureate (IB) Psychology | 4 | PSYC 101 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Italian Language and Culture | 3 | ITAL 101 and ITAL 102 | Elementary Italian I & II | 6 |
Japanese Language and Culture | 3 | JAPN 101 and JAPN 102 | Elementary Japanese I & II | 6 |
Language and Composition | 4 or 5 | ENGL 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
Literature and Composition | 4 or 5 | ENGL 190 | Introduction to Literature | 3 |
Macroeconomics | 3 | ECON 181 | Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics) | 3 |
Microeconomics | 3 | ECON 182 | Principles of Economics (Microeconomics) | 3 |
Music Theory | 3 | MUS 100 and Music Performance majors are WAIVED from the Music Theory placement exam | Music Reading | 3 |
Psychology | 3 | PSYC 101 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Physics B | 4 or 5 | General Physics I and II | PHYS 111 & PHYS 112 | 8 |
Physics 1 and 2 | 4 or 5 | General Physics I and II | PHYS 111 & PHYS 112 | 8 |
Physics C Mechanics | 4 or 5 | General Physics I | PHYS 111 | 4 |
Physics C E & M | 4 or 5 | General Physics II | PHYS 112 | 4 |
Physics C Mech and Physics E&M | 4 or 5 | General Physics I and II | PHYS 111 & PHYS 112 | 8 |
Physics 1: Mechanics and Oscillations | 4 or 5 | General Physics | PHYS 111 | 4 |
Physics 2: E&M, Elementary Fluids, Elementary Thermo | 4 or 5 | General Physics II | PHYS 112 | 4 |
Spanish Language and Culture | 3 | SPAN 101 and SPAN 102 | Elementary Spanish I & II | 6 |
Statistics | 3 | ECON 112 | Statistics I | 4 |
US Government and Politics | 3 | POLS 111 | American Government | 3 |
United States History | 3 | HIST 101 and HIST 102 | United States History: Colonial America & 19th Century | 6 |
World History: Modern | 3 | HIST 122 | Global History II | 3 |
Career and Technical Education: Earning College Credits While in High School
Get a head start and complete your college requirements sooner. Students Occupationally and Academically Ready (SOAR) is a program that allows CTE students enrolled in a PA-approved program of study to receive free college credits upon completion of their CTE program. SOAR programs lead students into a career pathway that align high school courses to a college program to complete a degree or certificate. Local high schools also have CTE programs for which students can earn college credits while still in high school.
What is a SOAR program?
These CTE programs (at the state or local high school level) Also called Programs of Study, (POS), SOAR programs articulate skills and tasks gained at the high school level to college credits that can go towards a college degree or certificate program. SOAR programs are connected to “high-priority” occupations, which means they are usually high-demand occupations with high wages.
State-level SOAR programs last three years beginning in 10th grade and consist of 1,080 total hours of instruction. They are competency-based and require that students complete and pass assessments to demonstrate their proficiency.
The College has local agreements with the School District of Philadelphia and with Universal Audenreid Charter High School. These are either SOAR programs that are articulated for fewer than nine credits or they are shorter SOAR-like programs that have been aligned with some courses at Community College of Philadelphia.
Why should I enroll in a SOAR/CTE program?
- Specific SOAR/CTE programs may help students:Earn college credits, which means you can finish your degree sooner
- Save money on college tuition since you would have already completed some required courses
- Prepare for entering the job market with college- and career-ready skills
- Choose the best career pathway for you
What do I have to do to earn free CTE credits at Community College of Philadelphia?
You should meet with your high school guidance counselor to review the following requirements:
- Earn a high school diploma.
- Achieve a minimum 2.75 GPA in your Career and Technical Education core courses.
- Complete the high school component of the approved PDE Program of Study.
- Achieve “competent” or “advanced” level on the NOCTI, the high school end-of-year assessment for a SOAR/CTE program.
- Achieve proficiency on all tasks in the approved task list for the SOAR/CTE program.
- Have your high school submit the necessary paperwork to Community College of Philadelphia.
- Completed SOAR/local CTE program applications must be submitted by the Office of Career and Technical Education at the School District of Philadelphia to for processing.
- Apply to Community College of Philadelphia
What documentation is required for college credits?
The Office of Career and Technical Education at the School District of Philadelphia submits student application packets to Community College of Philadelphia. This packet should include:
- Copy of high school diploma
- Official student transcript
- Perkins Statewide Articulation Agreement Coversheet or a coversheet for a local program articulation
- Secondary competency task list (make sure your secondary-school technical instructor signs it)
- PA Certificate of Competency or PA Skills Certificate from CTE program area or local certificate
- Earned industry certifications (if applicable)
How many Community College of Philadelphia credits can I earn?
The number of credits depends on the program and if it is a statewide SOAR program (which must be at least nine credits) or a state-level program for fewer than nine credits, or a CTE program from the School District of Philadelphia or Universal Audenreid Charter High School. The number of credits can range from 3 to 15. In order to receive the credits, you must enroll in a related program at Community College of Philadelphia.
How long do I have to submit documentation to earn college credit?
You have up to 16 months after your graduation date to earn the free CTE credits. Even if you have already graduated or it has been longer than 16 months, you should contact your high school to have the necessary documentation submitted by the Philadelphia School District or Universal Audenreid Charter High School.
Where can I get more information about the SOAR program?
More information is available at the Philadelphia School District’s site and the PA Department of Education site (listed below)
School District of Philadelphia’s Office of Career and Technical Education
School District of Philadelphia’s Articulation/College Credit Information
Contact the School District of Philadelphia’s Office of Career and Technical Education
PA Department of Education Programs of Study
PA Department of Education Programs of Study Framework
SOAR Programs at Community College of Philadelphia
State-Level SOAR Programs as of May 2022
High School SOAR Program of Study (POS) | Community College of Philadelphia Program(s) | Community College of Philadelphia Courses |
POS 10D – Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/ Technician 47.0604 (HS Graduation Years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) | Automotive Technology AAS Automotive Service I Proficiency Certificate | AT 111 - Auto Suspen & Steer (4 credits) AT 121 - Auto Elec & Elec Sys (3 credits) AT 150 - Automotive Braking Systems (2 credits) Total: 9 credits |
POS 12D – Computer Systems Networking And Telecommunications 11.0901 (HS Graduation Years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) | Network Administration AAS Computer Information Systems – Information Technology AAS | CIS 103 – Computer Applications and Concepts (3 credits) CIS 105 - Computer Systems Maintenance (4 credits) CIS 150 - Network Technology (4 credits) Total: 11 credits |
POS 26D – Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology 15.1202 (HS Graduation Years 2020, 2021, 2022) | Computer Information Systems - Information Technology AAS | CIS 103 - Computer Applications and Concepts (3 credits) CIS 105 - Computer Systems Maintenance (4 credits) CIS 150 - Network Technology (4 credits) Total: 11 credits |
POS 36D – Computer Technology/Technicians & Support Services 10.9999 (HS Graduation Years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) | Photography AAS Digital Video Production AAS | CIS 103 - Computer Applications and Concepts (3 credits) PHOT 104 - Introduction to Video Production (3 credits) PHOT 105 - Introduction to Digital Photography (4 credits) Total: 10 credits |
POS 42C – Criminal Justice/Police Science 43.0107 (HS Graduation Years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) | Criminal Justice AAS | JUS 101 – Survey of Criminal Justice (3 credits) JUS 235 – American Correctional Institutions (3 credits) JUS 261 – Criminal Evidence and Procedure (3 credits) Total: 9 credits |
Please note that if a SOAR program is or was for fewer than 9 credits, the articulation appears in the table(s) for local articulations with the School District of Philadelphia and/or Universal Audenried Charter High School.
Philadelphia School District CTE Programs of Study as of May 2021(HS Graduation Years 2021, 2022 and 2023)
Philadelphia School District Program | Community College of Philadelphia Program(s) | Community College of Philadelphia Courses |
CIP Code 47.0703 Solar Energy System Installation and Repair Technology/Technician | Applied Science and Engineering Technology AAS (through 2020-21) Applied Engineering Technology AAS (beginning Fall 2021) | GNEL 1X1 Solar Energy I: Energy System through Solar Installation (3 credits) GNEL 1X2 Solar Energy II: Solar Maintenance and Operation through Prepare and Maintain Tools/Equipment (3 credits) GNEL 1X3 Solar Energy III: Math and Literacy Computer Technical Skills through Vehicle Use (3 credits) Total: 9 credits |
CIP Code 52.1095 Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations – 3 Year Program | Tourism and Hospitality Management AAS Tourism and Hospitality Management Proficiency Certificate | THM 110 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry (3 credits) THM 112 Introduction to Tourism (3 credits) Total: 6 credits |
CIP Code 19.0905 Fashion Design – 3 Year Program | Fashion Merchandising and Marketing AAS Fashion Retail Sales and Customer Service Proficiency Certificate | FMM 101 Survey of the Fashion Industry (3 credits) FMM 105 Textiles (3 credits) FMM135 Fashion Product Promotion (3 credits) Total: 9 credits |
CIP Code 50.0602 Film and Video Production – 3 Year Program | Photographic Imaging AAS Digital Video Production AAS Digital Imaging Proficiency Certificate Digital Video Production Proficiency Certificate | PHOT 104 Introduction to Video Production (3 credits) |
CIP Code 52.0302 Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping – 3 Year SOAR Program | Accounting AAS Accounting Paraprofessional Proficiency Certificate | ACCT 101 Financial Accounting (4 credits) ACCT 103 Microcomputers in Accounting (3 credits) Total: 7 credits |
CIP Code 11.0901 Computer Systems Networking And Telecommunications – 3 Year SOAR Program | Cybersecurity AAS Web Development I Proficiency Certificate | CIS 103 Applied Computer Technology (3 credits) CIS 150 Network Technology (4 credits) Total: 7 credits |
CIP Code 12.0508 Institutional Food Workers – 3 Year SOAR Program | Culinary Arts AAS Culinary Arts I Proficiency Certificate | CULA 161 Foodserv Safety & Sanitation (2 credits) CULA 170 Elm Food Prep (4 credits) (requires Serve Safe Manager industry certification) Total: 6 credits |
CIP Code 12.0501 Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef – 3 Year SOAR Program | Culinary Arts AAS Culinary Arts I Proficiency Certificate | CULA 151 Elementary Baking and Pastry (4 credits) CULA 161 Food Service Safety and Sanitation (2 credits) (requires Serve Safe Manager industry certification) Total: 6 credits |
CIP 51.9999 Health Related Technology – 3 Year SOAR Program | Health Care Studies AA Medical Assistant Proficiency Certificate Patient Service Representative Proficiency Certificate | AH 116 Interpersonal and Professional Skills in Health Care (3 credits) |
CIP 15.1303 Drafting & Design Technology – 3 Year Program | Architecture AA Interior Design AA Facilities Management AAS Construction Management AAS Architectural Visualization Proficiency Certificate | ADC 103 CAD Basic (3 credits) |
CIP 1.0401 Food Processing Sciences – 3 Year Program and Industry Certification
| Culinary Arts AAS Culinary Arts I Proficiency Certificate | CULA 161 Food Service Safety and Sanitation (2 credits) |
CIP 12.0501 Baking and Pastry Arts Management – Industry Certification
| Culinary Arts AAS Culinary Arts I Proficiency Certificate | CULA 161 Food Service Safety and Sanitation (2 credits) |
CIP 12.0508 Culinary Arts – Industry Certification
| Culinary Arts AAS Culinary Arts I Proficiency Certificate | CULA 161 Food Service Safety and Sanitation (2 credits) |
CIP 52.0401 Business Administration – Industry Certification
| Business-General AA Business Leadership AAS Accounting AAS American Sign Language/English Interpreting AAS Applied Science and Engineering Technology AAS (through 2020-21) Applied Engineering Technology AAS (beginning Fall 2021) Behavioral Health/Human Services AAS Computer Information Systems - Information Technology AAS Criminal Justice AAS Cybersecurity AAS Digital Video Production AAS Fashion Merchandising & Marketing AAS Fire Science AAS Health Care Studies AA Human Services Academic Certificate Network Technology Management and Administration AAS Network & Systems Administration Proficiency Certificate Paralegal Studies AAS Photographic Imaging AAS Recovery and Transformation Academic Certificate Tourism and Hospitality Management AA Web Development I Proficiency Certificate | CIS 103 Applied Computer Technology (3 credits)
CIP 52.1801 Sports Marketing & Management – Industry Certification
| Business-General AA Business Leadership AAS Accounting AAS American Sign Language/English Interpreting AAS Applied Science and Engineering Technology AAS (through 2020-21) Applied Engineering Technology AAS (beginning Fall 2021) Behavioral Health/Human Services AAS Computer Information Systems - Information Technology AAS Criminal Justice AAS Cybersecurity AAS Digital Video Production AAS Fashion Merchandising & Marketing AAS Fire Science AAS Health Care Studies AA Human Services Academic Certificate Network Technology Management and Administration AAS Network & Systems Administration Proficiency Certificate Paralegal Studies AAS Photographic Imaging AAS Recovery and Transformation Academic Certificate Tourism and Hospitality Management AA Web Development I Proficiency Certificate | CIS 103 Applied Computer Technology (3 credits) |
CIP 11.0901 Computer Systems Networking– Industry Certification
| Computer Information Systems - Information Technology AAS Network Technology Management and Administration AAS Network & Systems Administration Proficiency Certificate | CIS 150 Network Technology (4 credits) CIS 105 Computer Systems Maintenance (4 credits) Total: 8 credits |
CIP 15.1202 Computer Supports Systems Technology – Industry Certification
| Computer Information Systems - Information Technology AAS Network Technology Management and Administration AAS Network & Systems Administration Proficiency Certificate Biomedical Equipment Technology I Proficiency Certificate | CIS 105 Computer Systems Maintenance (4 credits) |
CIP 11.0801 Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design - 3 Year Program | Computer Information Systems - Information Technology AAS Web Development I Proficiency Certificate | CIS 130 Web Page Design I (3 credits) |
Universal Audenreid Charter High School CTE Programs as of May 2021 (HS Graduation Years 2021, 2022 and 2023)
Universal Audenried Charter High School | Community College of Philadelphia Program(s) | Community College of Philadelphia Courses |
CIP 12.0508 Institutional Food Worker – 3 Year Program | Culinary Arts AAS Culinary Arts I Proficiency Certificate | CULA 161 Food Service Safety and Sanitation (2 credits) CULA 170 Elementary Food Preparation, Principles, and Practices (4 credits) Total: 6 credits |
CIP 51.9999 Health Related Technology – 3 Year Program | Health Care Studies AA Medical Assistant Proficiency Certificate Patient Service Representative Proficiency Certificate | AH 116 Interpersonal and Professional Skill in Health Care (3 credits) |
CIP 50.0402 Commercial and Advertising Art – 3 Year Program | Art and Design AA Liberal Arts AA Photographic Imaging AAS | ART 150 Introduction to Computer Art/Graphic (3 credits) PHOT 105 Introduction to Digital Photography, Contingent on portfolio review by Community College of Philadelphia Photographic Imaging faculty (4 credits) Total: 7 credits |
Evaluation of Noncredit or Alternative Learning
Professional trainings, experience and certifications may qualify you to earn college credit. Individual portfolios including résumés, transcripts and auditions may be required for assessment of college-level learning. For consideration of course credit, please follow the steps below.
- Review the course listing
- First-time students or if you have not attended the College within the past two years, complete an admissions application. All other students proceed to step 3.
- Email for document submission
*Note: All submissions will require a nonrefundable payment of $159 for evaluation. This fee is based on the tuition rate for one credit hour and is subject to change as rates increase. Payment does not guarantee course credit. Approved course credit will be applied to your academic record within 30 business days.
Workforce Development Certificate Programs
Workforce Development certificate programs prepare students for entry-level positions in the workforce. Certain noncredit certificate programs provide academic credits that can be used towards specific credit-bearing degree program upon completion and enrollment in the credit degree program at Community College of Philadelphia. Students are eligible for credits upon completion of the program and passing the corresponding certification exams; these credits will be added after the student has completed a credit in the credit-bearing degree program at Community College of Philadelphia.
The following list shows the noncredit programs for which students may be able to receive credit and the specific credit programs in which those students must be enrolled to receive these credits at Community College of Philadelphia.
Non-Credit Program | Credit Program |
Advanced Manufacturing (Electro-Mechanical Technician) (up to 6 block credits) |
CNC Precision Machining Technology (14 block credits) | Individualized Studies AAS |
Dental Assisting (3 general elective credits) | Health Care Studies AA |
Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) (3 general elective credits) | Health Care Studies AA |
Child Development Associate plus receive the Council for Professional Recognition’s CDA credential (up to 9 credits) | Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade) AA |
In order to receive these credits for the noncredit certificate programs, students must be enrolled in a credit program listed above that is linked to the noncredit program.
If you have completed one of these noncredit programs, the form to request credits for a credit-bearing degree program can be found under dynamic forms in the myccp portal in the Admissions forms section.
For questions about which noncredit programs qualify for college-level credits, please contact Corporate Solutions at 215-496-6158 or