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Vaccination Policies
Division of Mathematics, Science and Health Careers New and Re-Admitted Nursing and Allied Health Students Clinical Requirement Instructions
All students in the Community College of Philadelphia’s Health Career Programs must be in compliance with health clearance policies as required. The student is responsible for providing evidence of immunity and health status. Students are required to have their health care provider complete the Health Clearance Forms and certify that the student is free of contagious disease and may participate in all learning.
Health Career students have clinical learning experiences where patient contact takes place and therefore are at risk for both exposure to and transmission of communicable diseases and blood-borne pathogens. Therefore, specific procedures are needed to (1) decrease health risks to students, (2) protect patients and other health care professionals with whom students interact, and (3) comply with Community College of Philadelphia’s healthcare agency contracts. Any course that includes a clinical experience has mandatory health clearance requirements. Health clearance must be met no later than two (2) weeks prior to the first day of class or continuation in the program will be prohibited.
A complete Physical Examination Two-step Mantoux skin test for Tuberculosis, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella and Hepatitis B Titers showing immunity Tdap or Td booster Polio vaccine history or booster or titers Influenza vaccine in the Fall COVID-19 vaccination
If the student is requesting an exemption from the vaccination requirement , the student must contact the Department Head for Nursing or for Allied Health to determine what documentation would need to be provided to the College. This exemption will be reviewed at the beginning of each semester.
If a student has a documented disability he/she may be eligible for reasonable accommodations. Prior to the start of the Program, please contact the Center on Disability at (215) 751-8050.
Additional information including specific forms that must be completed will be provided to the student upon acceptance into the Nursing or an Allied Health Program.