Study Abroad

Roary the mascot playfully raises a paw to the camera while holding an inflatable globe.

How to Become a Global Student Ambassador

Global Student Ambassadors (GSA’s) will be chosen through an application process. They will travel and take either a 1-credit IDS120 course or 3-credit course during Summer Session I. All travel and course expenses will be covered (e.g. domestic airfare, travel, lodging, food, activities, virtual and/or in–person events and activities, etc). All participants must follow that region’s safety protocols. The duration of the trips can be approximately 5-7 days.

Students will need to provide a $150 deposit to secure their place. Please contact the Study Abroad Coordinator: Lucia Gbaya-Kanga (bgbayaka [at] with any questions or concerns!

Participation Requirements and Important Information

  1. To be eligible, students must have completed at least 12 credits at Community College of Philadelphia by the end of Fall 2022, be registered in Spring 2023 courses at the College, and be in good academic standing with no disciplinary holds.
  2. Interviews of the finalists will begin in March 2023. Selected students will be notified in March. When the selection process is complete, selected students will need to submit a $150 deposit to secure their place.
  3. The $150 check or money order should be made out to Community College of Philadelphia and taken to the Division of Liberal Arts in Room BR-21 at the time you submit your acceptance/agreement form.
  4. Students will also be enrolled in either a one-credit course, Interdisciplinary Studies 120: Social Justice Program, or a three-credit course during Summer Session I.
  5. Students will read, write and discuss materials to prepare for and reflect upon their domestic study experience.
  6. In addition, there will be pre- and post-departure meetings, which will be arranged by the Study Abroad coordinator and faculty group leaders. Attendance is mandatory.
  7. After travel, students will be expected to participate in presentations or panel discussions to share their study abroad experience with others in the College community.

For more information, please contact Lucia Gbaya-Kanga, Study Abroad Coordinator, at bgbayaka [at] (bgbayaka[at]ccp[dot]edu).

Domestic Studies 2023 Information Session

Friday, February 10, 2023, from 1 to 2 p.m.

Applications are due: Monday, February 27, 2023

Community College of Philadelphia will be hosting the third Global Summit on Social Justice. Here is a synopsis of our 2021 and 2022 programming. This year, the Global Studies summit will focus on Social Justice within the U.S. and U.S. territories. Programs will consist of weeklong itinerary of virtual and/or in-person activities consisting of tours, film screenings, lectures, presentations, talks and more! The program will run throughout Summer Session I (May 15 to June 22, 2023). All domestic travel will occur between June 5-23, 2023.

Learn more and attend the Information Session

Domestic Studies Opportunities

Alabama: Civil Rights and Black Power Movements

Faculty Leaders: Nwenna Kai Gates and Dr. Anyabwile Love

All domestic travel will occur between June 5 and 23, 2023

Travel Duration: 5 days (subject to change)

Course Dates: May 15 to June 29, 2023

Alabama is the cradle of the confederacy, but it is also one of the birthplaces of the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements. This immersive program will explore historical events, sites and communities of Alabama that reflect the breadth of these movements, and their legacies. Students will be introduced to the historical narratives of resistance movements and their connections to the cultural and political ideologies in Alabama’s Black community today. Students will also be introduced to the vibrant art and culinary world throughout Alabama.

New Mexico: Criminal Justice System and Trauma-informed Practice

Faculty Leaders: Professors Ilze Nix and Judy Cruz-Ransom

All domestic travel will occur between June 5 and 23, 2023

Travel Duration: 7 days

Course Dates: May 15 to June 29, 2023

Any plans this summer? Professors Ilze Nix and Judy Cruz-Ransom invite you to visit the cities of Albuquerque and Santa Fe in New Mexico. Join us as we time travel through thousands of years and explore the stories and native roots of the Indigenous peoples; the traditions and influence of the Spanish arrivals; and the modern-day streets, scenery, art and food. While taking Justice 191, Victimology and Trauma, we will direct our focus on historical and current victimization, the criminal justice system from the victim's perspective, and trauma-informed practices surrounding these. We will ground our reflections on the intersectionality of race and gender as we aim towards action-oriented social justice. Join us for an academic and life-changing study abroad experience!

South Carolina: Gullah Geechee Communities and Cultural Preservation

Faculty Leaders: Dr. Gayathri Banavara and Dr. Lynsey Madison

All domestic travel will occur between June 5 and June 23, 2023

Travel Duration: 6 days (subject to change)

Course Dates: May 15 to June 29, 2023

Travel to Charleston, South Carolina and surrounding areas to explore the rich legacy of African cultures and influence in the low-country region. The Gullah Geechee people have retained and embraced their African roots and customs and even their own language. Students will engage in a transformative experience learning about the Gullah Geechee culture through food, arts, crafts and music. This program bridges the past with the present and covers important moments in the Civil Rights Movement while also providing a broader narrative of the American Black experience, sights, and stories that are not commonly told or seen.

Signs pointing to locationsWoman in market shopping for grass baskets

Peen School welcome center


Wyoming: Deconstructing the Myth of Manifest Destiny

Restorative Justice for Indigenous Peoples

Faculty Leaders: Dr. Faye Allard and Dr. Sarah Iepson

Dr. Faye Allard

Dr. Sarah Iepson

All domestic travel will occur between June 5 and June 23, 2023

Travel Duration: 8 days (subject to change)

Are you interested in the history of America? Do you want to know more about the history and culture of indigenous peoples? Do you believe in restorative justice practices and wonder how you might help local native peoples regain recognition? If so, please consider joining Dr. Faye Allard and Dr. Sarah Iepson for a domestic study program that will engage with native peoples in Philadelphia and the American West. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will explore the histories, cultures, and art of native groups in Philadelphia and the Wyoming area, learn of various restorative practices that have been implemented in the west, and have a chance to advocate for local tribes as they fight for recognition and cultural restoration. Students will travel to Sheridan, Wyoming where we will stay in dorms at Sheridan College and explore various museums, historical sites, and meet with contemporary indigenous and ally social justice fighters.

battle of little big horn art work

 Landscape.  Rodeo


Past Study Abroad Destinations and Travel Dates

Future study abroad trips will be announced when the College resumes its Study Abroad program.

Global Studies Summit: Social Justice

May 31 to June 30, 2022

Community College of Philadelphia hosted our second virtual and in-person monthlong Global Studies Summit in the Summer of 2022. Due to travel restrictions, we brought global topics home to our campus and invited the entire community to partake. Visit our Global Studies Summit Past Events page for more details on our programming

Global Studies Summit

June 7 to June 30, 2021

Community College of Philadelphia hosted our first virtual monthlong Global Studies Summit due to Covid-19 related travel restrictions. All events were student-centered and open to the College community as well as the greater public. We had an amazing lineup of speakers who explored the theme of global social justice in relation to previously planned trips to Cambodia and South Africa. Events also highlighted opportunities provided through the College’s study abroad program.

Costa Rica

Travel Dates: May 19 to May 28, 2020
Program Fee: $750

Join professor Nancy Carr and professor J. Barry Johnson for eight exciting days in San Jose, Costa Rica. The words “Costa Rica” translate to mean “Rich Coast” which is an apt description of a country that is home to vibrant rainforest, active volcanoes, and more than 500,000 species, making it one of the most biodiverse country’s in the world.  The required summer course is BUSL 195: Experiential Learning in Business or Technology. Outside the academic coursework, students will visit National Technical University (UTN),  CoopeVictoria, the largest and oldest cooperative in Central America, talk with the local mayor, visit the Central Market, have a beach trip and much more.

South Africa

Travel Dates: May 10 to May 25, 2020
Program Fee: $850

Why not visit South Africa next summer with Dr. Anyabwile Love & Prof. Ilze Nix on the streets of Johannesburg & Soweto, the beaches of Cape Town & surrounding False Bay, & the bushveld of Pilansberg. The required Intro to African Culture & Civilization course (Hum 180) will focus on South Africa’s vibrant culture, history and people. We will consider the origins of their civilization. The history of their literature and the narratives of its indigenous people will be connected to the contemporary events. The remnants of slavery and apartheid will be wed to present social and political movements... all to prepare us for our trip where we will explore the footprints of one of the earliest civilizations in world history; legendary South Africans like Nelson & Winnie Mandela; the students of the Soweto Uprising; and the day-to-day lives of people still living in the ‘Rainbow Nation’.


Travel Dates: June 5 to June 18, 2020
Program Fee: $850

An exciting study-abroad experience will be available to Community College of Philadelphia students this summer – a study tour of Cambodia, in Southeast Asia. The “Cambodia and the Human Condition” study abroad program will introduce students to the rich history and magnificent architecture of Cambodia. Participants will explore the capital of Phnom Penh, including the magnificent Royal Palace, National Museum of Cambodia, Tuol Sleng genocide museum and Killing Fields, and the Mekong River. Students will also travel to the famed temples of Angkor Wat and Battambang to gain first-hand knowledge of day-to-day life at a rural factory-farm, silk factory, floating village, and orphanage. Professors Daravann Yi, Counseling, and Linda Fellag, English, will lead the trip, tentatively scheduled for June 7-18, 2019.  Exact travel dates are tentative until flights are booked.

Before Applying for Study Abroad

  • You will be selected for an interview upon the basis of an online scholarship application including on a statement of interest, faculty recommendation and your transcript.
  • You must be able to demonstrate why you are interested in visiting that specific site.
  • You will learn about the region and go to an information session.
  • For a stronger faculty recommendation, talk to your professor about why the region interests you.

Plan ahead so you have the necessary funds and can meet payment deadlines:

  • Know that the College scholarship covers international airfare, lodging, transportation, BUT it does not cover a program fee YOU PAY of $850, which pays for your travel insurance, many meals, most admission fees, etc. 
  • In March, YOU need to register and pay for a three-credit course with fees this three-credit course costs $576
  • Please begin the process of acquiring a passport, if you do not have one.  Please realize that the passport fee is about $100 and you need a passport photo that costs about $25 at CVS, etc.  We need a copy of the page of your passport or passport application before we can book an airplane ticket in your name.  U.S. Passports last for 10 years, so getting one is a good investment

How to Access the Scholarship Application

Go to the website and login:

  • Select the Student Tab
  • Scroll down on the left and click on Scholarships and Awards
  • Then, click on Scholarship Application
  • Scroll down and select one of the two study abroad trips to complete the scholarship application
  • Please be sure to answer the question “Are you interested in Studying Abroad?” by saying YES
  • Also, you MUST complete the Essay Question immediately following.  In your essay, address why you want to go to the destination site.

Please call the Scholarship Office at 215-496-6182 if you have any questions about the scholarship application process.

Study Abroad Resources

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Evolve: Study Abroad Returnee Conference
Gilman Scholarship
Global Philadelphia Association
Global Student Leadership Summit

Featured Student/Alumni

Check out about Study Abroad alumnus, Maxim Belmont, Tanzania 2016, in People of the College #PPLofCCP

Study Abroad Coordinator

Lucia Gbaya-Kanga, Assistant Professor of English
Gilman Scholarship Adviser
Please contact me if you have any questions about study abroad opportunities!
Office BR-40
bgbayaka [at] (bgbayaka[at]ccp[dot]edu) 

Study Abroad - Testimonials

Student Voices: What our students had to say about their study abroad experience at Community College of Philadelphia.

Making an Impact in the world

Merida: “This trip helped me understand the history, culture and the people of Merida; more importantly, it helped me realize how I can make an impact in the world around me.”

Cambodia: “Prior to this trip, I had been planning to go into working with women and children’s health and nutrition.  I wanted to work globally.  This trip cemented my goals.  I am planning to stay involved with the orphanage we visited.”

Belize: “Prior to visiting Belize, I thought that the most important place I would visit would be the Mayan ruins, but the most important learning experience was actually visiting the zoo and exploring the reefs because I got a sense of some of the endangered species of animals, fish and corals which are gravely in danger and certainly more important than I thought to our ecosystem.”

Making a career and a dream come true

Peru: “I have thought about teaching abroad or participating in a study abroad program; this trip helped me realize that it is something that I will do in my future career and make my dream a reality.”

Belize: “This trip was not only informative but it opened my mind to different career opportunities. My career goals are now clearer.”  

Gaining  a deeper understanding of another culture

Peru: “This trip helped me gain a deeper understanding of other cultures outside my own; to experience a different culture was a great experience; this trip has giving me the desire to continue to travel and learn about other people.”

Israel: "Before even landing in Israel, through the IDS course, I learned more about the history and politics in Israel as well as the Middle East than I had ever been aware.  After spending ten days in Israel and meeting people from every corner of the globe, I was enlightened to how culturally diverse Israel is.  It was amazing.”  

Turkey: “This trip has had an enormous impact on my personal world-view.  It narrowed my sense of the cultural gap between the east and the west.  I will certainly share my experience and what I have learned on this trip with my future students.”

Interacting with others

Turkey: “This trip gave the power of coming out of my shyness.  I feel like I can interact with people better and feel comfortable about it.  Also, being a student, this trip was very affordable and the experience turned out to be great.”

Belize: “The professors did a wonderful job in choosing the students to go on this trip. We all got along so wonderfully. The itinerary was just perfect. The sights and sounds from this trip will be with me always…especially the laughter we all shared. This trip is definitely one of the highlights of my life so far.”

Learning from others

Belize: “The place that was most important to my learning about contemporary Belizean life was Tobacco Cay.  Since we lived so close to the native people of the area, I was able to observe the true lifestyle of a Belizean.”

Opportunity through financial support

Turkey: “At this time in my life, I would never been able to afford a trip like this on my own.  Thanks to this trip, I’m very appreciative and tolerant of other cultures.  I definitely feel this experience has greatly enriched my life.”

Israel: “Traveling at low cost thanks to the generosity of the supporters of this program, it’s a great gift and opportunity for students that have not experienced visiting another country.  I am happy that these funds exist and can be used for people with talent but little opportunity to travel.”

Belize: “I couldn’t have afforded this trip it if it wasn’t financially supported by the College and an outside foundation.   It’s nice to see that Community College can expand a student’s experiences outside of school. Thanks so much for that.”

Creating future plans

Israel: “I am so thankful for this experience.  It has taught me more than I could eve dreamed of. This trip has given me the ‘travel bug’ and I look forward to exploring more places in the future.”

Turkey: “I am going back!    Also, I am learning the language and I am travelling elsewhere in the area!”