College Costs

You will find the following College information on this page:

Tuition and Fees

The Board of Trustees sets tuition and fees and reserves the right to change them without notice. Tuition varies based on residency; Philadelphia residents pay $159 per credit hour; other Pennsylvanians pay $318 per credit hour plus a $10 nonresident capital fee per credit; and non-Pennsylvanians pay $477 per credit hour plus a $20 nonresident capital fee per credit. Some courses have additional fees; check the individual course descriptions for this information.

Tuition and Fees for a Philadelphia Resident

Number of CreditsTuitionTechnology FeeGeneral College FeeCost
Number of Credits 1Tuition $159Technology Fee $30General College Fee $4Cost $193
Number of Credits 2Tuition $318Technology Fee $60General College Fee $8Cost $386
Number of Credits 3Tuition $477Technology Fee $90General College Fee $12Cost $579

Sample Tuition and Fees for a Philadelphia Resident with a 13-credit load:

CourseNumber of CreditsTuitionTechnology FeeGeneral College FeeAdditional Course FeeCost
Course ENGL 101Number of Credits 3Tuition $477Technology Fee $90General College Fee $12Additional Course Fee  Cost $579
Course PSYC 101Number of Credits 3Tuition $477Technology Fee $90General College Fee $12Additional Course Fee  Cost $579
Course MATH 118Number of Credits 3Tuition $477Technology Fee $90General College Fee $12Additional Course Fee  Cost $579
Course BIOL 106Number of Credits 4Tuition $636Technology Fee $120General College Fee $16Additional Course Fee $150Cost $922
Course TotalNumber of Credits 13Tuition $2,067Technology Fee $390General College Fee $52Additional Course Fee $150Cost $2,659

Tuition Deposit: $50

An applicant accepted or readmitted for full-time status by the College may be required to remit a $50 nonrefundable deposit within a specified timeframe for Allied Health curricula. The applicant's letter of acceptance will specify the date.

This deposit ensures the applicant a place at the College and will be credited to the initial semester's tuition charge. If the student fails to register for that semester, the tuition deposit will not be refunded but may be applied to subsequent registrations within that academic year only.


General College Fee: $4 per Credit

To fund the cost of student publications, intramural and intercollegiate athletics, student clubs and organizations, and other special services and activities for students, there is a general College fee for credit courses.

Technology Fee: $30 per credit

A fee of $30 per credit is charged to defray the institutional operating and equipment costs associated with providing student access to technology in academic and student support services and in instructional programs.

Course Fees

Some courses offered by the College are subject to course fees. These include courses with laboratory costs, clinical instruction costs or additional instructional hours. The course fees range from $85 to $345 per course. The applicable course fee, if any, is shown at the end of the course descriptions in the Course Descriptions section of the Catalog.

Online Learning Course Fee: $35

A fee of $35 will be assessed for any section of a course that is offered as an online course. Students should consult course offerings for each semester to identify which courses are available in an online course delivery format.

New Student Processing Fee: $60

Students registering for the first time to take credit courses will be charged a one-time new student processing fee. The fee will be included in the first semester bill. This fee is nonrefundable as of the first day of the semester.

Nonresident Capital Fee

$10 per credit for Pennsylvania residents outside Philadelphia.
$20 per credit for students who do not meet the State's residency requirement.

The College's capital costs are funded by the city and state. The capital fee is charged to students in circumstances where the student is a nonresident and therefore capital support from the city or state is not provided.

Late Registration Fee: $30

A $30 late registration fee will be charged to previously enrolled students who register after the first payment deadline for credit courses during the fall and spring semesters.

Credit by Examination Fee: $159

This fee is charged for each course in which a student has applied for credit on the basis of examination. The fee is based on the tuition rate for one credit hour, and is nonrefundable.

Prior Learning Assessment Fee: $159

This fee is charged for each course in which a student has applied for credit on the basis of learning achieved outside the traditional college classroom. The fee is based on the tuition rate for one credit hour, and is nonrefundable.

Lost Identification Card Fee: $10

A replacement fee of $10 may be charged for each replacement of the College photo identification card.

Noncredit Student Identification Card Fee: $10

Students enrolled only in noncredit courses may be issued a College Identification Card upon request and upon payment of a $10 Photo Identification Card Fee.

Senior Citizen Registration Fee: $159

This fee is charged to students who take advantage of the tuition-free course. This fee is nonrefundable as of the first day of the semester.

Academic Transcript Fee

Electronic transcripts can be requested through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) for $4.00 ($1.75 delivery and $2.25 processing fees) for each transcript. Requests for printed transcripts can be made in person at the Main Campus or through the NSC. The fee for printed transcripts delivered by mail or for pickup by noon the next business day is $10.00; orders made through the NSC will incur an additional $2.25 processing charge. Express and international mail requests will incur additional US postal service charges.

Returned Check Fee: $25

A penalty of $25 will be assessed for all checks and electronic checks (e-checks) issued to the College but not paid on presentation to the bank. A replacement for the returned check must be presented in the form of cash, certified check or money order. The student will be given five business days to replace the payment. Students with two (2) or more returned items may be placed on a cash only basis with the College.

Other Costs

Although the tuition for Philadelphia residents is relatively low, students should be aware of the need to plan ahead and anticipate all costs for the period of enrollment. The basic budget for one semester at the College should include, in addition to the appropriate tuition and fees, the following estimates*:

  • Books and Supplies $2,400
  • Transportation $3,100
  • Meals $1,300

*Actual cost will vary by student and by program of study.

Making Payments

A Community College of Philadelphia bill notification will be emailed to each student prior to the beginning of each semester. Students will need to login and select "Bill Summary" from the Financial Services channel of the Student menu on MyCCP to view their bills. If the bill is not received, it is the student's responsibility to obtain it from the Student Tuition Services. The College does not mail paper billing statements.

The fastest way to pay your bill is online by logging into MyCCP. We accept e-check payments at no cost; enjoy the convenience of paying your bill online directly from your checking and/or savings account. Bank debit card holders can make payments with e-check by using their checking account and routing number.

We also accept all major credit and debit cards (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, VISA, Diner's Club, & JCB). Students will be assessed a service charge if paying by credit or debit card. Effective August 25, 2017 the service charge is 2.75% of your payment amount (4.25% for international credit cards). To pay your bill online, log into MyCCP , click on the Student tab at the top of the page, click on the Financial Services channel and select "Pay My Bill".

Checks and money orders can be mailed. Please make your payments payable to Community College of Philadelphia, include your J# (student ID) on the memo line of your check or money order, and mail your payment to: Student Tuition Services, Room BG-38, Community College of Philadelphia, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. In-person payments are only accepted at the Main Campus Student Tuition Services, Room BG-38. We accept cash (in person only), checks, money orders, credit and debit card payments (online and in person).

Checks or money orders that are returned to the College by the bank must be repaid within five business days, or the student may be administratively withdrawn from the College.

Payment Plan

The College offers a tuition payment plan. The cost to enroll is a non-refundable $35 fee and the first installment payment. The plan is available for the fall, spring, and summer semesters. To enroll in the plan log into MyCCP, click on the Student tab at the top of the page, click on the Financial Services channel and select "Enroll in a/ View your Payment Plan". Specific payment plan information for the current semester can also be found on this page by clicking on the term specific "Payment Plan Information" link. For additional information, please review the Payment Plan FAQ; additional questions can be addressed to Student Tuition Services at 215-751-8130 or via email.

Direct Deposit

As part of the College's efforts to provide students with a more efficient refund process, the College has implemented the student refund direct deposit option. This service provides students with the convenience of receiving a refund from financial aid and/or other sources of funds on their student account directly into their bank account. Go green and get refunds processed up to 70% faster than by paper check by signing up for direct deposit. To sign up, please log into MyCCP, click on the Student tab at the top of the page, click on the Financial Services channel and select "Direct Deposit Authorization Form - New/ Change/ Cancel". Please review our Direct Deposit FAQ for more information.

Fulfillment of Financial Obligations

If any student has not met his or her full financial obligations, the College reserves the right to withhold any of its services from the student until the obligations are met. Restricted services include, but are not limited to, registration, grades, transcripts and additional services.

Refund Policy

It is the student's responsibility to submit an official drop form or drop classes via the web, even in cases of non-attendance. Students who drop prior to the start of the term will not incur any charges other than fees that are considered nonrefundable. The first day of the term marks the beginning of the refund policy regardless of the first scheduled class day for any particular student. Students who drop during the equivalent first three weeks (first 20 percent) of the term will be charged 50 percent for tuition and applicable fees and will be financially responsible for the charges incurred. Students who drop classes during the equivalent fourth week and thereafter will be charged 100 percent of tuition and applicable fees and will be financially responsible for the charges incurred.

Students who receive financial aid are subject to federal refund policies and calculations as described in the provisions of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. Recipients of grants and loans who fully withdraw or drop on or before the 60 percent point of the term will be required to return all or a portion of their financial aid proceeds to the College and/or the Federal Government. See the Financial Aid Withdrawals, Refunds and Repayment Policy section for more information.


To assist students with changes to their schedules, the College permits students to do an even exchange. An even exchange is both dropping and adding a course with the same number of credit hours within the same term (15A, 10A, 7A, 7B, etc.), and prior to the end of the refund period. Adding a course after the first course meeting requires signature(s) from the professor and/or department head as per registration policy. Students who drop a course after a term starts and prior to the end of the refund period will be responsible for 50% of the tuition for the course that was dropped.

Students who drop a course after a term starts and prior to the end of the refund period and add a course in a different term will be responsible for 50% of the tuition for the course that was dropped and 100% of the tuition for the course that was added. For example, dropping a 15-week Biology 106 course and adding a 7-week Biology 106 course would result in a 50% tuition charge for the 15-week course and a 100% tuition charge for the 7-week course.

Exception: 15-Week to 10-Week Exchange

Students are permitted to exchange a 15-week course for a 10-week course (one course to one course even exchange) at no cost. This course exchange is only permissible for the first seven (7) calendar days of the 15-week term. Students can accomplish this exchange in person only by visiting Enrollment Central (Records and Registration) at the Main Campus or at the Regional Centers. The 15-week to 10-week course exchange must be completed by the close of business on the 7th calendar day of the 15-week term.

Extenuating Circumstances

Students with documented extenuating medical complications, or personal emergency or situation such as the death of a close relative, can use the Special Request Form for Student Financial Account Adjustment (available in the Electronic Forms section of MyCCP) to petition to receive the 50% tuition for the course that was dropped.

Refund policies are in keeping with the regulations of the State Board of Education of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Section 35.30).

Tax Incentives

Federal tax laws provide special benefits to help students and parents pay for college. For example, a tax credit allows you to subtract an amount from the taxes you owe:

Taxes owed$6,000 
Less tax credit– $1,000 
Taxes owed$5,000 
A tax deduction allows you to subtract an amount from the income on which you must pay taxes:
Gross income$25,000 
Less tax deduction–$1,000 
Taxable income$24,000 

Below are brief summaries of the tax incentives most likely to benefit adult, nontraditional students. Not all students or parents will qualify for these tax credits. Be sure to obtain a complete explanation of these tax incentives and consult with your tax advisor before you make financial decisions or use them in filing your federal income taxes. The College issues annual 1098-T statements for tax purposes by January 31 each year.

American Opportunity Tax Credit

The American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) helps with the cost of higher education expenses such as tuition, certain fees and course materials for four years. The credit reduces the amount of tax you owe dollar for dollar by the amount of the AOTC for which you qualify, up to a maximum of $2,500. If the amount of the AOTC is more than the tax you owe, up to 40 percent of the credit (a maximum amount of $1,000), may be refunded to you.

Lifetime Learning Credit

The Lifetime Learning Credit is for qualified tuition and related expenses paid for eligible students enrolled in an eligible educational institution. This credit can help pay for undergraduate, graduate and professional degree courses--including courses to acquire or improve job skills. There is no limit on the number of years you can claim the credit. It is worth up to $2,000 per tax return.

Student Loan Interest Deduction

The maximum interest deduction is $2,500. The loans must have been used to pay qualified costs of attendance, including room and board.

Loan Forgiveness

For certain curricula, there are loan forgiveness programs available. Students need to research these programs carefully, as there are often strict criteria associated with loan forgiveness programs. For more information, visit

Financial Aid

Community College of Philadelphia participates in the following federal and state-funded programs: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work-Study Program, PA State Grant (administered by PHEAA), William D. Ford Direct Student Loans (Direct Loans), and Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS).

Financial Aid Eligibility

Students must be enrolled for at least 6 credits per semester to be eligible for loans and the PA State Grant. Students may receive a Federal Pell Grant for fewer than 6 credits per semester. In addition, to be eligible for financial aid, students must have earned either a high school diploma or GED®. To maintain financial aid eligibility, students must make academic progress as outlined in the College's Policy on Academic Standards and Progress (Academic Progress, Academic Probation, and Dropped for Poor Scholarship).

Read all the provisions of this policy carefully before registering for classes. If you have any questions, please contact the Counseling Center, Room BG-7, at 215-751-8169.

Applying for Financial Aid

Students applying for financial aid must do so for each academic year. Students should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) via the Web at or the myStudentAid mobile app. This application is used to apply for the Federal Pell Grant, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Work-Study program, the PA State Grant and Federal Direct Loans. Use Community College of Philadelphia's School Code 003249 when filing your FAFSA. In addition to completing the FAFSA, students accepting the Direct Loans must also complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and an entrance counseling session at

Since the application process for all the above grants and loans takes about four to eight weeks, students are advised to file early rather than merely by the deadlines that follow. Students needing assistance should e-mail the Office of Financial Aid (

Filing Deadlines for 2024-2025

Federal Pell Grant:
All applicants – June 30, 2025

PA State Grant:
Renewal applicants – May 1, 2024
New applicants – August 1, 2024

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant and Federal Work-Study:
All applicants – April 15, 2024

These deadlines are for applications that are complete. All required documentation must also be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid by the above-listed deadlines.

We cannot guarantee that there will be Work-Study funds available for students applying after these dates, but we will continue to review late applications until all funds have been awarded.

William D. Ford Direct Student Loans (Direct Loans)

In addition to accepting the awarded loans online in MyCCP a student must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and an Entrance Counseling session to formally accept their loans at This must be done at least four weeks before payment deadline.

PA State Grant

Pennsylvania students who file their 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by May 1, 2024, for renewals and August 1, 2024, for new students will be automatically considered for the PA State Grant. For the 2024-25 award year, the PA State Grant is transitioning to a new system platform named GrantUs. Students should expect to complete an application process in the GrantUs system in addition to completing a 24-25 FAFSA for PA State Grant eligibility. Please refer to for updates and additional information.

Summer Aid

Information concerning summer aid is available at the Office of Financial Aid in early spring.

Study abroad students who need loans should consider taking the loans during the spring semester.

For detailed information and applications, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.

Adjustments to Financial Aid

Students are responsible for dropping any courses they do not plan to attend. If a student never attends a class, the financial aid award will be adjusted to reflect only those classes the student attends. Financial aid for students attending more than one term within a semester (15A, 10A, 7A, 7N, etc.) may have their aid reduced if they drop classes that were included in their earlier disbursements. These adjustments may affect a student's current and future financial aid eligibility. Students may also have to repay any overpayments.

Furthermore, the federal regulations state that students may receive federal funds for the maximum of 30 semester credits of developmental classes, except for English as a Second Language courses. Therefore, if a student has attempted 30 credits of developmental coursework, they will will not be able to receive federal funds for additional developmental courses. Also note that once a student has earned a passing grade, financial aid can only be applied one more time for that class.

Financial Aid Withdrawals, Refunds and Repayment Policy

Financial aid is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws or stops attending, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of aid that the student was paid or scheduled to receive. Course withdrawals after the term begins will have a negative impact on students' academic progress standing and future financial aid eligibility. The Office of Financial Aid is required by federal statute to recalculate federal financial aid eligibility for students who withdraw, stop attending, drop out, are dismissed or take a leave of absence. Up through the 60 percent point in each payment period or period of enrollment, a pro-rata schedule is used to determine the amount of Title IV funds the student has earned at the time of withdrawal. After the 60 percent point in the payment period or period of enrollment, a student has earned 100 percent of the federal aid he or she was scheduled to receive during the period.

Unearned aid is returned in the following order:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal SEOG
  • TEACH Grant
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
  • Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  • Subsidized Direct Loan
  • Direct Graduate Plus Loan
  • Direct Parent Plus Loan

Cautionary Note: Withdrawals may have a negative impact on students' academic progress standing and future aid eligibility.

Alternative Funding Sources

Many business enterprises, labor union locals, churches and faith-based organizations, and community groups award scholarships for collegiate studies. Parents of prospective students are encouraged to ascertain from employers and union offices what benefits may be available for their dependents. Students who are employed are sometimes eligible for financial assistance by their employers.

For information on scholarships and awards presented by an employer, contact the employer's Human Resources Office.


Education Benefits for Veterans, Spouses and Dependents

Post-9/11 GI Bill®

Effective August 1, 2009, veterans may be eligible for new benefits under this bill if they served at least 90 aggregate days on active duty after September 10, 2001, and are still on active duty or were honorably discharged or released. Veterans may also be eligible if they were honorably discharged from active duty for a service-connected disability and served 30 continuous days after September 10, 2001. Basic benefits may include cost of tuition and fees, monthly housing allowance, and books and supplies. Since the new law contains many major differences from the current Montgomery GI Bill, veterans are advised to visit for additional information about the major changes contained in the law.

Students who choose to utilize their VA education benefits may do so by logging into the MyCCP portal and completing an Electronic Veteran Registration Certification Form that can be found under Records and Registration Forms. The benefit amount will be calculated and placed as estimated aid on the student account. This will protect students from being dropped for non-payment while we await receipt of the funds from the Veterans Administration.

All Veteran students can receive the in-city tuition rates, whether they utilize their Veterans education benefits or not. To notify the College of your veteran status, please submit a copy of your DD-214 to the Veterans Resource Center at

No penalties or late fees are assessed to students for a delay in the disbursement of their VA benefits. However, financial holds may be placed for the portion of the balance not covered by the VA education benefit. Late fees may be assessed for missed payments for students who enroll a portion of their balance, not covered by VA education benefits, on the tuition payment plan.

A late registration fee is charged to all students who register for classes after the first tuition due date each semester. This is not a late fee for past due tuition. The VA will not cover the late registration fee. Students who do not pay this fee themselves in a timely manner may have a transcript hold placed on their CCP student account. This will not prevent them from registering for classes.

Other programs and benefits are also available for veterans, spouses and dependents. Please visit the Veterans Resource Center located on the ground level of the Bonnell Building, Room BG-43; email; or visit the Veterans section on the College's website.

Community College of Philadelphia complies with all regulations established by the Veterans Administration for students enrolled under VA programs, as required by Title 38, United States Code, Section 3675. Men or women eligible for assistance under the GI Bill or other VA programs should apply directly to the nearest VA office.

“GI Bill ®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Readmission of Service Members

A school must promptly readmit a service member with the same academic status as he had when last attending the school or accepted for admission to the school. This requirement applies to any student who cannot attend school due to military service. Definitions:

  • Military service (or service in the uniformed services)—voluntary or involuntary service in the armed forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under federal authority, for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days. This does not include National Guard service under state authority.
  • Service member—someone who is a member of, applies to be a member of, performs, has performed, applies to perform, or has an obligation to perform, service in the uniformed services.
  • Appropriate officer—a warrant, commissioned, or noncommissioned officer authorized to give such notice by the military service concerned.
  • Armed Forces—the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
  • Active duty—full-time duty in the active military service of the United States. Active duty includes full-time training duty, annual training duty, and attendance, while in the active military service, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the Secretary of the military department concerned. 

Scholarships and Awards

Community College of Philadelphia supports commitment to community college education through the development of a viable student scholarship and award program. Individuals, organizations and corporate donors are invited to establish awards or scholarships, in accordance with applicable College policies, for students enrolled at the College or for use by the College's students upon transfer to other colleges and universities.

The Community College of Philadelphia Foundation has established many student scholarship programs to recognize the accomplishments of our students and encourage lifelong learning for all who may benefit. These scholarship programs support students by providing financial assistance for tuition, books or other costs associated with attending college. There are also scholarships and awards available to high school students who will begin their studies at the College.

Currently, the College Foundation, the Office of Institutional Advancement and the Student Tuition Services Office administer more than 120 student scholarship and award programs. There are scholarships and awards available based on a student's program of study, academic achievement, community/volunteer service and leadership.

View a complete listing of scholarships and awards available to Community College of Philadelphia students.

For more information on Community College of Philadelphia scholarships and awards, please contact the Student Tuition Services Office by email at or call 215-496-6182.