General Education Requirements
The College is dedicated to providing all graduates of its associate degree programs a quality educational experience. All degree students, regardless of program, must complete the College's general education requirements to gain a breadth of experience outside as well as within their academic field and build interdisciplinary skills essential to academic, career, and personal development and success.
The general education requirements are grounded in six Essential Skills that students learn in required general education courses and develop in their program coursework at the College.
Community College of Philadelphia Essential Skills Definitions
Writing, Research, and Information Literacy
Students read critically, synthesize ideas from a variety of texts, and write essays that develop significant ideas in support of a thesis. Written works appropriately reflect the context and audience and adhere to the conventions of grammar, spelling, and formatting specific to the area of study. Building upon these skills, students will determine the extent of a need for information, access information effectively and efficiently, evaluate it critically, accomplish a specific purpose with it, and create new knowledge and participate ethically in communities of learning.
Cultural Analysis and Interpretation
Students analyze case studies, creative works, systems of human thought and behavior, material artifacts, and other primary and secondary sources from a range of academic disciplines to discern and respect diverse perspectives and experiences related, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, culture, region, country, religion, and/or language.
Oral Communication / Creative Expression
Students examine issues, problems, and cultural and aesthetic connections, using verbal and nonverbal methods to send messages in various modes. Students produce creative, visual, and/or oral works that reflect the situation, audience, and medium of communication and adhere to the conventions of artistic, verbal and/or nonverbal methods of expression.
Quantitative Reasoning
Students communicate mathematical principles and apply them to follow an extended line of formal reasoning and critical thinking. Students read and identify mathematical information that is relevant in a problem; interpret and critically analyze mathematical information presented; select appropriate methods and solve problems, estimating and evaluating the validity of results and effectively communicating quantitative concepts using correct mathematical syntax.
Scientific Reasoning
Students describe the Scientific Method and apply the scientific principles they have learned to theoretical and practical issues. Students interpret measurable and observable information through inference and analogy to develop hypotheses and draw conclusions. Students describe methods of scientific inquiry and use critical thinking skills to investigate, question, and solve problems. Students describe and carry out experimental procedures and/or perform laboratory tasks when appropriate to the field, interpret and communicate scientific information using written, oral and/or graphical means, analyze one or more relationships among science, technology and society, and apply logical reasoning in explaining natural phenomena and experimental procedures or outcomes.
Technological Competency
Students identify, create, and manipulate technological tools and digital content. Students operate computers, peripherals, electronic devices, learning management systems, and other technology as related to their program of study. Students use electronic spreadsheets and/or database management systems to organize, analyze, and/or retrieve data. Students use word processing and slide presentation software to design clear academic and professional documents that integrate design concepts, elements, applications, and objects. Students use computer technology to collaborate and network. Students identify and respond appropriately to ethical and legal issues related to privacy and security in information technology and the handling of data.
General Education Requirements
Students who follow the recommended course sequence for their degree programs will see required courses that introduce and develop the Essential Skills. Note: Program faculty select general education courses based on programmatic needs and the requirements of transfer institutions, accrediting bodies, and professional organizations and also select courses that enable students to gain a breadth of experience and skills across academic disciplines.
The College requires students to complete credit courses in the Essential Skills as outlined below:
Essential Skills | Minimum Credits |
21 credits | |
Essential Skills Writing, Research & Information Literacy | Minimum Credits 6 |
Essential Skills Oral Communication/Creative Expression | Minimum Credits 3 |
Essential Skills Quantitative Reasoning | Minimum Credits 3 |
Essential Skills Scientific Reasoning | Minimum Credits 3 |
Essential Skills Cultural Analysis and Interpretation | Minimum Credits 3 |
Essential Skills Technological Competency | Minimum Credits 3 |
The requirements listed above apply to all students who began their studies in the Fall 2021 semester or later. Students who began their studies prior to September 2021 should refer to a catalog for the year that they entered the College or should consult an academic advisor or counselor. Students who changed their curriculum on or after September 2021 are required to follow the new general education requirements regardless of when they entered the College. For more information regarding general education requirements, please contact Academic Advising at 215-751-8777 or email Academic Advising.
Courses that Fulfill Essential Skills
Before reviewing the courses below, students should consult the catalog page for their programs. The catalog page includes a course sequence that shows the required courses for the program, and that is the best source of information about required courses.
The lists below are intended as a tool to help programs choose the general education courses that students are required take to fulfill general education requirements. In a few cases, a program may allow students to take any course that meets the general education requirement. In those cases, students may find the lists below useful. Students are encouraged to email or call Academic Advising (215-751-8777) or consult program faculty before choosing courses.
Writing, Research & Information Literacy
Currently, this requirement is met by taking two courses at the College: ENGL 101 and ENGL 102. Students must complete both courses.
Courses | Credit Hours |
ENGL 101 - English Composition | 3 Credits |
ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors) | 3 Credits |
ENGL 102 - The Research Paper | 3 Credits |
ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors) | 3 Credits |
Oral Communication/Creative Expression
Most programs require only one course in this category, which includes both Oral Communication and Creative Expression. The list below distinguishes between the two. Students should consult the catalog page for their programs for more information.
Quantitative Reasoning
The list below includes only those Foundational Mathematics (FNMT) and Mathematics (MATH) courses open to students who are FNMT 118 ready. Students who place in mathematics courses at MATH 161 or above will meet their Quantitative Reasoning requirement upon successful completion of MATH 151, MATH 152, MATH 161, or another higher-level Mathematics course. Students should consult Mathematics course offerings for more information.
Courses | Credit Hours |
FNMT 101 - Quantitative Reasoning | 3 Credits |
FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra | 3 Credits |
FNMT 121 - Retail Mathematics & Merchandising | 3 Credits |
FNMT 141 – College Algebra I with Applications | 4 Credits |
MATH 121 - Computer Mathematics and Logic | 3 Credits |
MATH 123 - Mathematical Principles I | 3 Credits |
MATH 137 - Geometry for Design | 3 Credits |
MATH 150 - Introductory Data Analysis | 3 Credits |
Scientific Reasoning
Some of the courses listed below require permission of the department head before registering. Students should consult the course offerings or the catalog page for their programs for more information.
Cultural Analysis and Interpretation
As there are a large number of courses that meet the Cultural Analysis and Interpretation requirement, they are divided into five sub-categories based on course content: 1) Study of Human Diversity, 2) Study of Human Behavior and Systems, 3) Study of Creative Works, 4) Study of Material Artifacts, and 5) Study of World, Country, Region, or Language. Students should consult the catalog page for their programs for more information.
Technological Competency
A few programs require students to complete two courses in order to meet the Technological Competency requirement. Students should consult their program's catalog page to determine which course (or pair of courses) meet the requirement.
Courses | Credit Hours |
ADC 101 - Introduction to Design and Construction | 3 Credits |
ADC 103 - CAD Basics | 3 Credits |
ART 150 - Introduction to Computer Art/Graphics | 3 Credits |
ART 290 - Portfolio Preparation | 3 Credits |
BUSL 125 - Customer Service Leadership | 3 Credits |
CIS 103 - Introduction to Information Technology | 3 Credits |
CSCI 111 - Computer Science I | 4 Credits |
CSCI 112 - Computer Science II | 4 Credits |
ECON 120 - Introduction to Business Analytics | 3 Credits |
JUS 131 - Technology in Criminal Justice | 3 Credits |
MUS 280 - Music Entrepreneurship, Licensing and Marketing | 3 Credits |
PLS 115 - Legal Technology | 3 Credits |