Applied Engineering Technology


The Applied Engineering Technology program curriculum leads to an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree and prepares students for employment in a range of scientific technology occupations, and also provides a foundation for transfer to four-year technology programs. The flexible design of the program allows students to choose from a range of scientific technology fields, including engineering technology, among others that are developed as industry trends demand. Students will be prepared to demonstrate scientific observation skills, to operate equipment and/or relevant software, and to promote safety and quality in the workplace.
Students in the Applied Engineering Technology program may choose courses from two pathways: engineering technology or transfer.
The engineering technology pathway is geared toward the student who wishes to complete the A.A.S. degree and seek employment upon graduation in an electrical and/or technical field where knowledge of basic electronics is essential. This pathway includes core electronics courses and AET electives. The electives include in-context principles and concepts relative to the workplace environments that students may be employed in.
The transfer pathway is designed to allow a student to transfer into a bachelor's degree engineering technology program. Locally, both Temple and Drexel offer engineering technology degree programs at the bachelor's degree level. College-level chemistry and physics are components of these curricula along with precalculus math courses.
Engineering technology programs emphasize problem solving and having lab and technical based skills, and they prepare individuals for application-oriented careers like manufacturing, field-service, marketing, technical sales or as technical members of an engineering team.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the Applied Science and Engineering Technology curriculum, the student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate laboratory skills in basic science and technology areas.
  • Explain the interplay between scientific information and public policy and standards.
  • Present technical information in oral, written or graphic format.
  • Work effectively as part of a team.

In addition, students will be prepared to work in a range of industries at the technician level. Below is a list of some of the positions a graduate of the program could fill (depending on which certificate or certificates are completed).

  • Process technician or operator in industries such as oil refining, food processing and water purification.
  • Biotechnology technician in the bio-pharmaceutical industry.
  • Biomedical research technician.

Program Entry Requirements:

This program is open to all interested students. All Students are required to satisfy placement at the time of admission. Students who are identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses as a part of their degree program.

Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:

Depending on the students' pathway, a minimum of 60-61 credits as prescribed must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. A minimum grade of "C" must be achieved in all required program courses.

Course Sequence:

Semester 1


Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name AET 101 - Introduction to Robotics Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req. Scientific Reasoning
Course Number and Name ENGL 101 - English Composition I or
ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 1
Course Number and Name For Engineering Technology Pathway:
FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra

For Transfer Pathway:
MATH 161 - Precalculus I

Prerequisites and Corequisites For MATH 161: FNMT 118 with a grade of "C" or betterCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Quantitative Reasoning
Course Number and Name For Engineering Technology Pathway:
CHEM 110 - Introductory Chemistry or higher level chemistry

For Transfer Pathway:
General Elective
Prerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118 ready and ENGL 101 readyCredits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CIS 103 - Introduction to Information TechnologyPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Technological Competency

Semester 2

Engineering Technology Pathway

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or
ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101 with a grade of "C" or betterCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 2
Course Number and Name ELEC 120 - Direct and Alternating Current CircuitsPrerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118 or higher MATH with a grade of "C" or better or placement in MATH 161 or higher.Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name Any AET course above AET 101 or Prior Learning ExperiencePrerequisites and Corequisites Please see the catalog for prerequisites Credits 3 or 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ENGL 115 - Public SpeakingPrerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101, which may be taken concurrentlyCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Oral Communication/
Creative Expression

Transfer Pathway

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or
ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101 with a grade of "C" or betterCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 2
Course Number and Name ELEC 120 - Direct and Alternating Current CircuitsPrerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118 or higher MATH with a grade of "C" or better or placement in MATH 161 or higher.Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name MATH 162 - Precalculus IIPrerequisites and Corequisites MATH 161 with a grade of "C" or better, or placement in MATH 162 or higherCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CHEM 110 - Introductory ChemistryPrerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118 ready and ENGL 101 readyCredits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CSCI 111 - Computer Science IPrerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118  prerequisite or placement in MATH 161
 or higher
Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  

Semester 3

Engineering Technology Pathway

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ELEC 124 - Semiconductor DevicesPrerequisites and Corequisites ELEC 120 with a grade of "C" or betterCredits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name Any TWO AET courses above AET 101 or Prior Learning ExperiencePrerequisites and Corequisites Please see the catalog for prerequisites Credits 6 to 8 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHYS 105 - Survey of PhysicsPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ANTH 112 - Cultural Anthropology or
HIST 142 - Food History or
HIST 150 - History of American Health Care or
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology or
SOC 101H - Introduction to Sociology (Honors) or
SOC 115 - Gender and Society
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Cultural Analysis and Interpretation

Transfer Pathway Course Sequence

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ELEC 130 - Digital ElectronicsPrerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118 completed or higher math placementCredits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CHEM 121 - College Chemistry I or
General Elective*
Prerequisites and Corequisites CHEM 110 with a grade of "C" or better and FNMT 118 or MATH 118. Credits 3 or 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHYS 111 - General Physics IPrerequisites and Corequisites MATH 162 or Math 171 or MATH 171 placement.Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name Technical Elective (choose one):
Any AET course above AET 101 or
ELEC 124 - Semiconductor Devices
Prerequisites and Corequisites

For ELEC 124: ELEC 120 with a grade of "C" or better

Credits 3 or 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  


* Students planning to transfer to Temple University should take CHEM 121

Semester 4

Engineering Technology Pathway

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ELEC 130 - Digital ElectronicsPrerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118 completed or higher math placementCredits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name Any TWO AET courses above AET 101 or Prior Learning ExperiencePrerequisites and Corequisites Please see the catalog for prerequisites Credits 6 to 8 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name General ElectivePrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 or 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  

Transfer Pathway Course Sequence

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name Technical Elective (choose one):
Any AET course above AET 101 or
ELEC 124 - Semiconductor Devices
Prerequisites and Corequisites For ELEC 124: ELEC 120 with a grade of "C" or betterCredits 3 or 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHYS 112 - General Physics IIPrerequisites and Corequisites PHYS 111 or permission of the department head.Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ENGL 115 - Public SpeakingPrerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101, which may be taken concurrentlyCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Oral Communication/
Creative Expression
Course Number and Name ECON 181 - Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics)Prerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118 or higherCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Cultural Analysis & Interpretation


Note: Students may have more than 62 credits to qualify for graduation depending upon courses chosen.

Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:


General Education Requirements:

All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College's general education requirements is also available.

For More Information, Contact:

The Division of Math, Science and Health Careers, Room W1-1, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8430; or the College Information Center (215) 751-8010.