Facilities Management


The Facilities Management program leads to an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in Facilities Management. Facilities Managers are the people who plan and manage the buildings, grounds and systems of large businesses and institutions. Often working behind the scenes, as a group they are involved in a broad array of activities: planning, management, finance and real estate, design, and building operations issues, including security and communications. The field is rapidly professionalizing, and opportunities abound in this highly-regarded industry. This program provides students with a foundational education addressing the multi-disciplinary character of the field, thereby allowing for diverse job opportunities. The core of the Facilities Management curriculum addresses gaining the basic technical knowledge of construction materials, processes and systems, as well as the business management and real estate areas.

Within Facilities Management, there are two broad specializations, Construction and Design. The program has a set of core courses that are common to both degrees, and then two sets of concentration electives that emphasize either Construction or Design.

There is significant overlap in courses due to the common core courses, but students who are unsure as to which concentration they would like to pursue should consult with a program advisor.

For Construction, the degree is designed to prepare students for an entry-level position as a facility manager or construction manager. Their construction knowledge may be applied in overseeing the building of new or renovated facilities, the installation of updated systems, or determining the construction issues related to expansion or new uses. The Construction Concentration focuses on construction and management issues specific to the building and renovating process, such as the installation of updated systems and finishes, building codes, cost estimating, and scheduling and contracting. This concentration gives the student an opportunity to understand the fundamentals of building construction, such as interpreting construction documents and specifications, understanding construction contracts, creating construction cost estimates, scheduling and managing building projects, and being familiar with the technical aspects of building materials and systems. 

The Design Concentration is intended to prepare a student for an entry-level position as a facility manager, space programmer, space planner or move coordinator. The design skills acquired apply toward new and renovated buildings, as well as evaluating and planning development sites. Experience with working in teams, as well as communicating design concepts is emphasized. The design studio, the core learning environment in design education, offers the opportunity to develop design skills and understand the conceptual framework of the design process. 

Graduates of both concentrations would work closely with each other in the field, and will be prepared to interact with the senior management of their employer, dealing with multiple real estate issues.

The Design Concentration satisfies the transfer requirements for the Bachelor's degree in Facilities Management at Temple University. A few additional courses are needed for full transfer.

Students who are interested in the program are encouraged to consult an advisor within the program for a more detailed explanation of the degree and the two concentrations.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this program graduates will be able to:

  • Interpret architectural and construction drawings and documents, and utilize computer and manual systems for communication in drafting and documentation.
  • Describe various relevant building materials and methods and related building technologies and products. 
  • Apply basic principles of planning, management and real estate practice. 
  • Communicate effectively and work as part of a team, using graphic, oral and written modes. 

For Construction Concentration Only: 

  • Describe the process of project planning, estimating and management

For Design Concentration only:

  • Solve specific design problems by synthesizing and applying technical, historical, cultural and theoretical concepts as well as knowledge of finish materials and methods, furnishings and related interior products.

Program Entry Requirements:

Students are required to satisfy placement at the time of admission. Students identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses in addition to the requirements of their degree program.

Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:

To qualify for the A.A.S. degree in Facilities Management, a student must complete a minimum of 60 credits (Construction Concentration) or 62 credits (Design Concentration) as prescribed and attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 ("C" average).

Course Sequence:

Semester 1

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ADC 101 - Introduction to Design and ConstructionPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Technological Competency*
Course Number and Name ADC 103 - CAD BasicsPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Technological Competency*
Course Number and Name ADC 133 - Project Management in Construction (Construction Concentration) or
ADC 109 - Design Studio I (Design Concentration)
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 or 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ENGL 101 - English Composition I or
ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 1
Course Number and Name MATH 137 - Geometry for Design (or higher MATH*)Prerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 017 or FNMT 019 completed or FNMT 118 (or higher) placementCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Quantitative Reasoning

Semester 2

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ADC 112 - Construction Materials and Detailing: PropertiesPrerequisites and Corequisites ADC 103 or ADC 109Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ADC 146 - Construction Contracts and Business PracticesPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ADC 253 - Environmental Systems IPrerequisites and Corequisites ADC 103 or ADC 109Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or
ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101 with a grade of "C" or betterCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Writing/Research/ Info Lit 2
Course Number and Name ADC 176 / HIST 176 - Philadelphia History: Architecture and PlanningPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Cultural Analysis & Interpretation

Summer 1

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name MNGT 121 - Introduction to BusinessPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  

Semester 3

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ADC 136 - Construction Safety and Building CodesPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ADC 163 - Architectural Visualization with Autodesk Revit (Construction Concentration) or
ADC 160 - Presentation Techniques (Design Concentration)
Prerequisites and Corequisites For ADC 163: ADC 103
For ADC 160: ADC 103, which may be taken concurrently
Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Oral Communication/Creative Expression
Course Number and Name ADC 159 - Design Studio II (Design Concentration) or
ADC 246 - Contracts and Specifications (Construction Concentration)
Prerequisites and Corequisites For ADC 159: ADC 103 and ADC 109 
For ADC 236: ADC 101
Credits 3/4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ECON 182 - Principles of Economics (Microeconomics)Prerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118 or higherCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  

Semester 4

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ADC 261 - Construction Management and Scheduling (Construction Concentration) or 
ADC 192 - Color and Lighting (Design Concentration)
Prerequisites and Corequisites For ADC 261: ADC 133
For ADC 192: ADC 160, which may be taken concurrently  
Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name MNGT 141 - Principles of Management or
MNGT 142 - Management Information Systems or
MNGT 262 - Business Law
Prerequisites and Corequisites For MNGT 141 and MNGT 142: MNGT 121Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ADC 254 - Environmental Systems IIPrerequisites and Corequisites ADC 101 and (ADC 103 or ADC 109)Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name RE 101 - Real Estate FundamentalsPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name EASC 111 - Environmental Conservation or
EASC 111H - Environmental Conservation (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Scientific Reasoning

Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:


General Education Requirements:

All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College's general education requirements is also available.

For More Information, Contact:

The Division of Liberal Studies, Room BR-21, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8450; or the College Information Center (215) 751-8010.