

Learning to Photograph the Living World: Capture the world through a camera. As a Photography student, you will learn how to use sophisticated cameras, to work with editing technology, and to deploy lighting techniques. You will also learn to work with professional software, including Adobe Photoshop; cultivate creative expression through photography; and develop a portfolio. As a student in the College's Photography program, you will receive training on the same equipment and software used by industry professionals, get an introduction to developing a photography business, and gain experience working on a video crew.

The Photography curriculum provides special emphasis in several professional areas. Classroom lecture and laboratory assignments lead to the development of technical and aesthetic skills and knowledge preparing students to qualify for jobs in photography and related occupations. Students completing the Photography program will be prepared to work as photographers, studio assistants and imaging lab technicians.

Professional practices and production are emphasized, and students are encouraged to develop creativity and a personal aesthetic. Upper-level courses emphasize working with advanced techniques and portfolio preparation and allow students to focus on their specific fields of interest within the medium.

Policy Regarding Student Work:

The Department reserves the right to retain all student work submitted for grading for educational use or exhibition, or to select an example or samples for its permanent collection.


Students are required to supply all digital storage media while the department will provide cameras and video production equipment when available. The department also provides access to computers and professional photo editing software. Students in 200-level courses will be advised regarding the purchase of professional equipment. Approximate supply costs appear after each course description.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this program graduates will be able to:
  • Create photographs, videos and/or digital slide shows to satisfy commercial clients’ specifications.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with camera operation, lighting, digital image processing, portfolio presentation, audio and video production.
  • Evaluate their photographs in the context of historical and contemporary trends.
  • Employ current business practices as applied to photography.

Program Entry Requirements:

This program is open to interested students, assuming space is available. However, new students are normally required to take the College’s placement tests at their time of entry. Students who are identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses as a part of their degree program.

Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:

To qualify for the Associate in Applies Science (A.A.S.) degree in Photography, a student must complete at least 61 credits and attain a grade point average of 2.0 ("C" average).

Course Sequence:

Semester 1

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name PHOT 101 - Introduction to 35mm Film Camera and Darkroom Techniques or
PHOT 105 - Introduction to Digital Photography
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req. Oral Communication/Creative Expression
Course Number and Name PHOT 104 - Introduction to Video ProductionPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHOT 151 - PHOT 151 - Techniques in Photo Editing (Photoshop I)Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  


Course Number and Name ENGL 101 - English Composition I or
ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 1
Course Number and Name CIS 103 - Introduction to Information TechnologyPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Technological Competency

Semester 2

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name PHOT 201 - Basic Lighting for Photography 

Prerequisites and Corequisites PHOT 101 or PHOT 105
PHOT 151, which may be taken concurrently.
PHOT 152, which may be taken concurrently
Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHOT 111 - History of Photography or
PHOT 113 - Digital Technology, Art, and Culture
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Cultural Analysis & Interpretation
Course Number and Name PHOT 152 - Introduction to Color Photography and Digital PrintingPrerequisites and Corequisites PHOT 151, which may be taken concurrentlyCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or
ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101 with a grade of "C" or betterCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 2 
Course Number and Name MATH 137 - Geometry for DesignPrerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 017 or FNMT 019 completed or FNMT 118 (or higher) placementCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Quantitative Reasoning

Semester 3

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name PHOT 297 - Community Photography ProjectsPrerequisites and Corequisites PHOT 101 or PHOT 105 and PHOT 104Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHOT 251 - Advanced Techniques in Photo Editing (Photoshop II) Prerequisites and Corequisites PHOT 151Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHOT 103 - Architectural and Landscape Photography or
PHOT 202 - Commercial Photography Portraiture or
PHOT 217 - Photojournalism or
PHOT 250 - Fashion and Entertainment Photography or
PHOT 205 - Commercial Photography Advanced Studio or
PHOT 260 - Fine Art Photography and Video or
PHOT 290 - Introduction to Aerial Photography
Prerequisites and Corequisites PHOT 103: PHOT 101 or PHOT 105 with a grade of "C" or better or permission of department head
PHOT 202: PHOT 152, which may be taken concurrently
PHOT 217: PHOT 104, PHOT 151, PHOT 152, which may be taken concurrently
PHOT 250: PHOT 101 or PHOT 105 and PHOT 201
PHOT 205: PHOT 152 and PHOT 201
PHOT 260: PHOT 101 or PHOT 105, PHOT 104
PHOT 290: PHOT 101 or PHOT 105
Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name EASC 111 - Environmental Conservation or
EASC 111H - Environmental Conservation (Honors) or
STS 101 - Introduction to Science, Technology and Society
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 or 4 creditsGen Ed Req. Scientific Reasoning

Semester 4

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name Photography Elective (choose two):
PHOT 103 - Architectural and Landscape Photography or
PHOT 202 - Commercial Photography Portraiture or
PHOT 217 - Photojournalism or
PHOT 250 - Fashion and Entertainment Photography or
PHOT 205 - Commercial Photography Advanced Studio or
PHOT 260 - Fine Art Photography and Video or
PHOT 290 - Introduction to Aerial Photography
Prerequisites and Corequisites PHOT 103: PHOT 101 or PHOT 105 with a grade of "C" or better or permission of department head
PHOT 202: PHOT 152, which may be taken concurrently
PHOT 217: PHOT 104, PHOT 151, PHOT 152, which may be taken concurrently
PHOT 250: PHOT 101 or PHOT 105 and PHOT 201
PHOT 205: PHOT 152 and PHOT 201
PHOT 260: PHOT 101 or PHOT 105, PHOT 104
PHOT 290: PHOT 101 or PHOT 105

Credits 8 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHOT 298 - Photography Portfolio Prerequisites and Corequisites PHOT 104 and PHOT 201Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHOT 299 - Professional Practices in Photography and Digital Video ProductionPrerequisites and Corequisites

PHOT 201 (Photography students) or DVP 120, DVP 130, DVP 140, DVP 150 must be taken prior to this course. DVP 210 and DVP 240 may be taken concurrently with this course (DVP students)

Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  

Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:


General Education Requirements:

All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College's general education requirements is also available.

For More Information, Contact:

The Division of Liberal Studies, Room BR-21, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8450; or the College Information Center (215) 751-8010.