Web and Mobile Application Development


The Web and Mobile Application Development degree prepares students to become professional software developers working in web and mobile environments. Students will progress from fundamental to advanced programming concepts and apply them to design and build web and mobile applications. Emphasis is also placed on the infrastructure of the web and the ability to plan, launch, and manage applications in the real world.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate, design, implement, test, and launch web and mobile applications individually and as part of a group.
  • Identify concepts related to remote data APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and apply them within the context of application development.
  • Design, develop, and manage databases in support of web and mobile applications.
  • Produce user interfaces for web and mobile applications.
  • Identify components of web and mobile applications.
  • Recognize and describe ethical, legal, and security issues related to web and mobile development.


Program Entry Requirements:

New students are normally required to take the College’s placement test at their time of entry. Also, students who possess business computer application skills may test out of CIS 103: Computer Applications & Concepts. Students who are identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses as part of their degree program.

Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:

To qualify for the Associate in Applies Science (A.A.S.) degree in Web and Mobile Application Development, a total of 65 credit hours as prescribed must be satisfactorily completed with a grade point average of 2.0 ("C" average).

Course Sequence:

Semester 1

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology or
SOC 101H - Introduction to Sociology (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Cultural Analysis and Interpretation
Course Number and Name ENGL 101 - English Composition I or
ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 1
Course Number and Name CIS 103 - Introduction to Information TechnologyPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Technological Competency
Course Number and Name CIS 155 - Principles of Operating SystemsPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  

Semester 2

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name CIS 114 - JavaScript IPrerequisites and Corequisites  Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CIS 130 - Web Page Design IPrerequisites and Corequisites CIS 103Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name FNMT 118 - Intermediate AlgebraPrerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 017 or FNMT 019 completed or FNMT 118 (or higher) placementCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Quantitative Reasoning
Course Number and Name ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or
ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors)
Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101 with a "C" grade or higherCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 2
Course Number and Name CIS 204 - Fundamentals of Linux and UnixPrerequisites and Corequisites CIS 105 or CIS 155Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  

Semester 3

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name CIS 205 - Database Management SystemsPrerequisites and Corequisites CSCI 112, which may be taken concurrently, or CIS 103 or CSCI 118Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CIS 244 - Server-Side Web DevelopmentPrerequisites and Corequisites CIS 114 and CIS 205, which may be taken concurrentlyCredits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CIS 228 - JavaScript IIPrerequisites and Corequisites CIS 103Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CIS 230 - Web Page Design IIPrerequisites and Corequisites CIS 130Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CIS 200: Apple App Development I or 
CIS 211 - Android App Development I
Prerequisites and Corequisites CIS 106 or CIS 114 or CSCI 111Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  

Semester 4

Course Number and NamePrerequisites and CorequisitesCreditsGen Ed Req.
Course Number and Name ENGL 115 - Public Speaking or 
ENGL 117 - Group and Team Communication
Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101, which may be taken concurrentlyCredits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name PHYS 111 - General Physics I or
PHYS 105 - Survey of Physics
Prerequisites and Corequisites For PHYS 111: MATH 162 or MATH 171 or MATH 171 placement
For PHYS 105: FNMT 118 (or higher) placement or a passing grade in FNMT 017 (or higher) are required
Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CIS 271 - Information Technology Project ManagementPrerequisites and Corequisites CIS 103Credits 3 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CIS 201 - Apple App Development II or
CIS 212 - Android App Development II
Prerequisites and Corequisites For CIS 201: CIS 200
For CIS 212: CIS 211
Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  
Course Number and Name CIS 288 - Cloud ComputingPrerequisites and Corequisites CIS 244Credits 4 creditsGen Ed Req.  

Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:


General Education Requirements:

All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College's general education requirements is also available.

For More Information, Contact:

The Division of Business and Technology, Room B2-22, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8414 or the College Information Center (215) 751-8010.