Biological Sciences
The Associate in Arts Degree in Biological Sciences is a non-select two-year program in the Science and Technology academic pathway primarily intended to prepare students for transfer to four-year programs in science and technology related fields, including but not limited to pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, elementary and middle school education. Students in this program include those interested in non-allied health STEM-related fields, those who wish to build prerequisites for select programs in the Science and Technology academic pathway, and those who wish to obtain a two-year Science and Technology degree with the intention of transfer into a related field.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understating of the Scientific Method and utilize it for the development of hypotheses, the collection and analysis of data, and the presentation of results.
- Effectively communicate, in a classroom setting, scientific information via written and graphical methods.
- Summarize the major biological and chemical concepts and processes essential to the living organism.
- Explain the hierarchy of organization in living things, from the chemical level to the biosphere.
Program Entry Requirements:
This program is open to all interested students. Students are required to satisfy placement at the time of admission. Students who are identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses as part of their degree program.
Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:
Students in the Biological Sciences program are required to enroll in BIOL 100: Introduction to Life Sciences within the first 18 credits. To qualify for the Associate in Arts (AA) degree in Biological Sciences, a student must complete a minimum of 61 credits as prescribed and attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (“C” average).
Course Sequence:
Semester 1
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Course Number and Name BIOL 106 - General Biology I | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 4 credits | Gen Ed Requirements Scientific Reasoning |
Course Number and Name ENGL 101 - English Composition I or ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors) | Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101 Placement | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Requirements Writing, Research, Info Lit 1 |
Course Number and Name FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra | Prerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 017 or FNMT 019 completed or FNMT 118 (or higher) placement | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Requirements Quantitative Reasoning |
Course Number and Name SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology* or SOC 101H - Introduction to Sociology (Honors)* or ANTH 101 - Introduction to Anthropology or ECON 181 - Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics) or POLS 111 - American Government or POLS 111H - American Government (Honors) | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Requirements Cultural Analysis & Interpretation |
Course Number and Name BIOL 100 - Introduction to Life Sciences | Prerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 017 or FNMT 019 completed or placement in FNMT 118 or higher | Credits 4 credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Semester 2
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Course Number and Name BIOL 107 - General Biology II | Prerequisites and Corequisites BIOL 106 with a "C" or better. | Credits 4 credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Course Number and Name CHEM 110 - Introductory Chemistry | Prerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 118 or MATH 118 placement and ENGL 101 ready. | Credits 4 credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Course Number and Name CIS 103 - Introduction to Information Technology | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Requirements Technological Competency |
Course Number and Name ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors) | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Requirements Writing, Research, Info Lit 2 |
Course Number and Name FREN 101 - Elementary French or HUM 101 - Cultural Traditions: Ancient to the 13th Century or HUM 101H - Cultural Traditions: Ancient to the 13th Century (Honors) or SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Semester 3
Semester 4
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Course Number and Name BIOL 104 - Forensic Biology or BIOL 123 - Principles of Biology I or BIOL 211 - Genetics or BIOL 225 - Ecology and Field Biology or BIOL 241 - Principles of Microbiology or STS 101 - Introduction to Science, Technology and Society | Prerequisites and Corequisites For BIOL 104 and STS 101: FNMT 118 or higher placement For BIOL 123: CHEM 121 or CHEM 110 with a grade of "C" or better and high school biology or permission of the department head For BIOL 211: BIOL 106 or BIOL 108 or BIOL 109 or BIOL 123 with a grade of "C" or better or permission of the department head For BIOL 225: BIOL 107 or BIOL 124 with a grade of "C" or better in either For BIOL 241: BIOL 106 or BIOL 107 or BIOL 109 or BIOL 123 with a "C" or better or permission of the department head | Credits 4 credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Course Number and Name CHEM 118 - Introduction to Biochemistry | Prerequisites and Corequisites CHEM 101, CHEM 110 or CHEM 121 with a grade of "C" or better. | Credits 4 credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Course Number and Name MATH 162 - Precalculus II | Prerequisites and Corequisites MATH 161 with a grade of "C" or better, or placement in MATH 162 or higher. | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Requirements |
Course Number and Name ENGL 115 - Public Speaking | Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101, which may be taken concurrently | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Requirements Oral Communication/Creative Expression |
Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:
61* Students who wish to transfer to the Associate of Science in Biology degree program should take SOC 101, PSYC 101 and PHIL 101. Students should consult an advisor and the requirements of their chosen transfer institution before choosing their directed electives.
General Education Requirements:
All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College's general education requirements is also available.
For More Information, Contact:
The Division of Math, Science, and Health Careers, Room W1-1, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8430 or the College Information Center (215) 751-8010.