Music Performance
The Music Performance curriculum gives students a thorough academic and applied preparation in music combined with a liberal arts background. The curriculum is a transfer program structured to be compatible with the first two years of music curricula leading to the Bachelor of Music Performance degree offered at most undergraduate colleges. Additionally, an A.A.S. degree in Sound Recording and Music Technology is offered.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this program graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate sufficient command of their major performing medium and secondary areas (see below) to successfully prepare for an audition for a four-year music baccalaureate program.
- Demonstrate basic musicianship and knowledge of the theoretical, historical and technological backgrounds needed to understand how music is created, understood and performed.
- Apply background in the areas listed above so as to intelligently focus their musical work in additional areas beyond performance such as: historical research, composition/arranging, education and production.
Program Entry Requirements:
Students should meet with the department head to schedule an audition. The audition requires evidence of proficiency as a performer or composer: preparation, technical facility, expressiveness in performance or compositional arranging, musical sensitivity and familiarity with a variety of repertoire. All students must also complete a music theory placement exam. Students who do not pass the theory placement exam are required to take MUS 100: Music Reading, and pass the course with a “C" or better, before enrolling in MUS 116: Theory I.
Note: Students studying piano as their primary instrument are not required to complete MUS 101 & 102. Students studying voice as their primary instrument must complete at least two of the four required ensembles in vocal ensemble.
Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:
To qualify for the A.A. degree, a student must complete 62-64 credits, depending upon their concentration, and attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 ("C" average) and a minimum of "C" in all Music courses.
Course Sequence:
Semester 1
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 101 - Piano I *** | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 1 credit | Gen Ed Req. Oral Communication/ Creative Expression‡ |
Course Number and Name MUS 141 - Applied Music I or MUS 141PT - Applied Music I** | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 2 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 142 - Applied Music II or MUS 142PT - Applied Music II** | Prerequisites and Corequisites MUS 141 | Credits 2 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra or higher | Prerequisites and Corequisites FNMT 017 or FNMT 019 completed or FNMT 118 (or higher) placement | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Quantitative Reasoning |
Course Number and Name ENGL 101 - English Composition I or ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors) | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 1 |
Course Number and Name MUS 196B - Brass Ensemble I or | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 1 credit | Gen Ed Req. Oral Communication/ Creative Expression‡ |
Course Number and Name MUS 105 - Music of the Baroque and Classical Eras or | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Cultural Analysis and Interpretation |
Semester 2
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 116 - Theory I | Prerequisites and Corequisites MUS 100 or placement† | Credits 4 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 102 - Piano II* | Prerequisites and Corequisites MUS 101 | Credits 1 credit | Gen Ed Req. Oral Communication/Creative Expression‡ |
Course Number and Name MUS 180 - Music Business | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors) | Prerequisites and Corequisites ENGL 101 with a grade of "C" or better | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Writing/Research/Info Lit 2 |
Course Number and Name MUS 143 - Applied Music III or MUS 143PT - Applied Music III** | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 2 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 144 - Applied Music IV or MUS 144PT - Applied Music IV** | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 2 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 197B - Brass Ensemble II or MUS 197C - Chamber Music Ensemble II or MUS 197E - Electronic Ensemble II or MUS 197G - Jazz Guitar Ensemble II or MUS 197H - Hip Hop Ensemble II or MUS 197J - Jazz Ensemble II or MUS 197P - Pop & Rock Ensemble II or MUS 197SA - Soprano/Alto Ensemble II* or MUS 197SV - Studio Voice Ensemble II or MUS 197TB - Tenor/Bass Ensemble II* | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 1 credit | Gen Ed Req. |
Semester 3
Semester 4
Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:
62* Students studying piano as their primary instrument are not required to complete MUS 101 & 102.
** MUS 141PT, 142PT, 143PT, etc., are Applied Music courses specific to the Piano Technician proficiency certificate.
***Students studying voice as their primary instrument must complete at least two of the four required ensembles in Soprano/Alto or Tenor/Bass. This can be at the MUS 196, 197, 296 and/or 297 course levels.
† All students must complete a music theory placement exam upon admittance to the program. Students who do not pass the theory placement exam are required to take MUS 100: Music Reading, and pass the course with a "C" or better, before enrolling in MUS 116: Theory I.
‡ Students must take three one-credit courses (MUS 101, MUS 102, MUS 108, MUS 109, or ensemble courses) to meet the Oral Communication/Creative Expression requirement for general education. The requirement may also be met by MUS 115.
General Education Requirements:
All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College's general education requirements is also available.
For More Information, Contact:
The Division of Liberal Studies, Room BR-21, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8450; or the College Information Center (215) 751-8010.