Entrepreneurship and Innovation Proficiency Certificate
The Entrepreneurship & Innovation Proficiency Certificate is an 18 credit-hour program for students who are interested in launching or working in a start-up entrepreneurship venture. The program will connect students' entrepreneurial passion with the skills, knowledge, connections, critical thinking abilities, and practical experiences needed to foster their entrepreneurial spirit.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Proficiency Certificate, the students will be able to:
- Apply the key skillsets of innovative entrepreneurs.
- Assess the viability of a start-up and project its potential market growth.
- Identify potential sources for funding an entrepreneurial venture.
- Communicate effectively with investors, employees, and outside stakeholders.
- Develop components needed for ideation, launch, and growth of an entrepreneurial venture.
Program Entry Requirements:
This certificate is open to interested students. Students are required to satisfy placement at the time of admission. Students who are identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics course as part of the certificate.
Intended Audience:
The Entrepreneurship & Innovation Proficiency Certificate is designed to attract students who aspire to be entrepreneurs or to work within a start-up venture.
Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:
Successful completion of the program requires a "C" grade or better in each of the courses listed. In order to receive a "C" grade or better and thus demonstrate competency, students must complete assignments and exams as well as participate in class activities.
Course Sequence:
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites | Credits |
Course Number and Name ENTR 101: Entrepreneurial Thinking | Prerequisites | Credits 3 credits |
Course Number and Name ENTR 170 - Diversity in Entrepreneurship | Prerequisites | Credits 3 credits |
Course Number and Name ENTR 180 - Entrepreneurship & Human Resources | Prerequisites ENTR 101, which may be taken concurrently | Credits 3 credits |
Course Number and Name ENTR 210 - Entrepreneurial Failures & Risk | Prerequisites ENTR 101 and ENTR 170 | Credits 3 credits |
Course Number and Name ENTR 250 - Launch a Business | Prerequisites ENTR 210, which may be taken concurrently | Credits 3 credits |
Course Number and Name BUSL 125 - Customer Service Leadership | Prerequisites BUSL 101, which may be taken concurrently, or ENTR 101 | Credits 3 credits |
Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:
18General Education Requirements:
All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College’s general education requirements is also available.
For More Information, Contact:
The Division of Business and Technology, Room B2-22, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8414; or the College Information Center (215) 751-8010.