Fire Science and Public Safety Proficiency Certificate


The Fire Science and Public Safety Certificate Program offers continued technical progress and expanded emphasis on fire prevention, fire safety, and pre-fire planning to satisfy the increased demands for skilled fire service personnel. The Fire Science and Public Safety Certificate is designed to serve the needs of Philadelphia firefighters/paramedics and volunteer firefighters/paramedics desiring to progress in expertise, skill and rank in areas of leadership, management, decision making, planning, organizing and evaluating.

The Fire Science and Public Safety Certificate is also valuable to students interested in becoming fire safety professionals who work in pre-fire planning or as fire code enforcement officers, building inspectors, fire protection technicians and designers, fire prevention equipment sales representatives or technical experts, and fire safety officials or risk managers for businesses, school districts and government agencies.

The Fire Science and Public Safety Proficiency Certificate offers:

  • Increased knowledge, skills, and leadership techniques to manage fire safety situations.
  • Education in six areas of fire safety prevention, protection, mitigation, and recovery.
  • Credits towards the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Fire Science.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the Fire Science and Public Safety Proficiency Certificate, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate skills needed for leadership in the fire service or a position in a related field, such as code enforcement, building inspection, risk management, or emergency management they relate to planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating.
  • Explain the various requirements for fire detection, hazardous materials, and suppression systems in different types of building codes and occupant structures.
  • Explain fire-ground strategy and tactics and the various components of the incident management system: finance, logistics, operations, planning, overall incident commander
  • Apply the principles of the scientific approach to fire investigation and explain the important role that fire investigation and fire prevention programs play in reducing a community’s risk of fire. 


Program Entry Requirements:

Students are required to satisfy placement at the time of admission. Students who are identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses as part of the certificate. 

Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:

Successful completion of the program requires a “C” grade or better in each of the courses listed.

Course Sequence:

Course Number and NamePrerequisitesCredits
Course Number and Name FSCI 104 - Fire Prevention and Building CodesPrerequisites  Credits 3 credits
Course Number and Name FSCI 111 - Emergency Scene ManagementPrerequisites  Credits 3 credits
Course Number and Name FSCI 172 - Fire Detection and Suppression SystemsPrerequisites  Credits 3 credits
Course Number and Name FSCI 241 - Fire AdministrationPrerequisites  Credits 3 credits
Course Number and Name FSCI 271 - Hazardous MaterialsPrerequisites  Credits 3 credits
Course Number and Name FSCI 281 - Fire InvestigationPrerequisites  Credits 3 credits

Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:


The Division of Liberal Studies, Room BR-21, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19130. Telephone (215) 751-8450; or call the College Information Center (215) 751-8010.

General Education Requirements:

All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College’s general education requirements is also available.