Medium and Heavy Truck Technology II — Truck Service Technology Proficiency Certificate
The Medium and Heavy Truck Technology Proficiency Certificate II —Truck Service Technology (MHT: TST) is designed for a student who wishes to gain further employment opportunities in the field of medium and heavy truck repair and service. This stackable certificate sits on top of the MHT Certificate I - Truck Inspection, Maintenance, and Minor Repair (IMMR), and/or can be used to support earning an A.A.S. degree in Medium Heavy Truck Technology.
This certificate aligns with the Automotive Service Excellence Education Foundation's Medium and Heavy Truck Accreditation guidelines. The Medium and Heavy Truck Technology program is located at the Career and Advanced Technology Center (CATC).
Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the Medium and Heavy Truck Technology Proficiency Certificate II - Truck Service Technology (TST), students will be able to:
- Repair and service various advanced electrical power systems and components in platforms, such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
- Repair and service various manual, automatic, and final drivetrain systems in platforms, such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
- Repair and service HVAC systems in platforms, such as trucks, buses, tractor-trailer systems, and off-road equipment.
- Repair and service fuel and emission systems for diesel, gasoline, and gaseous-fueled vehicle systems.
Program Entry Requirements:
This is a select program. To enroll in the Medium and Heavy Truck Technology II proficiency certificate, students must first complete the Medium and Heavy Truck Technology I proficiency certificate. New students are normally required to take the College's placement test at their time of entry. Students who are identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses as part of the certificate when applicable.
Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:
Successful completion of the program requires a "C" grade or better in each of the courses listed above.
Course Sequence:
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites | Credits |
Course Number and Name MHT 212 - Medium and Heavy Truck Advanced Electricity II | Prerequisites MHT 112 | Credits 4 credits |
Course Number and Name MHT 241 - Medium and Heavy Truck Drive Trains | Prerequisites Must be FNMT 118 ready; MHT 112 | Credits 4 credits |
Course Number and Name MHT 271 - Medium and Heavy Truck HVAC Cooling Systems | Prerequisites MHT 112 | Credits 3 credits |
Course Number and Name FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra | Prerequisites FNMT 017 or FNMT 019 completed or FNMT 118 (or higher) placement | Credits 4 credits |
Course Number and Name MHT 280 - Medium and Heavy Truck Fuel Emissions Systems | Prerequisites FNMT 118, MHT 112, and MHT 180 | Credits 4 credits |
Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:
19For More Information, Contact:
For More Information, Contact: The Division of Business and Technology, Room B2-22, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8414 or the College Information Center (267) 299-5874.