Personal Training Proficiency Certificate
Certified Personal Trainers (CPT) are professionals qualified to assess physical fitness and to design and implement exercise training programs. Based on client interviews, risk stratification and baseline fitness assessments, a CPT can construct a training program to enhance the muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, and body composition of healthy individuals or for those that have been medically cleared to exercise. CPTs may be self-employed or may work in health clubs, corporate fitness centers, recreation centers, gyms, or residential care facilities. This certificate is designed to provide students with the scientific knowledge and practical experience necessary to sit for the Personal Trainer Certification exam offered by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), or comparable certifying organizations. All credits earned towards the Personal Training Proficiency Certificate can be applied to earning a degree in Health Care Studies.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the Personal Training Proficiency Certificate, students will be able to:
- Assess physical fitness, including muscular strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, body composition, and other anthropometric measures to establish a baseline for exercise program development
- Design and implement a training program based on information obtained from client interview, risk stratification, and baseline measures of physical fitness
- Educate clients using scientifically based health and fitness information and resources to enhance client knowledge, program enjoyment, adherence, and overall awareness of health and fitness related information
- Develop a business plan to both establish and support a career as a Certified Personal Trainer
Program Entry Requirements:
This certificate is open to interested students. New students are normally required to take the College’s placement test at their time of entry. Students who are identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses as part of the certificate.
Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:
Successful completion of the certificate requires a grade of "C" or better in all courses listed. Achievement of a grade of "C" or better in all courses requires the student to demonstrate competency as assessed using written and/or oral exams, demonstrations, writing assignments, projects, and participation in classroom activities.
Course Sequence:
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites | Credits |
Course Number and Name PEH 105 - Principles of Fitness and Wellness | Prerequisites | Credits 3 credits |
Course Number and Name NUTR 106 - Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle | Prerequisites | Credits 3 credits |
Course Number and Name BIOL 108 - Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology | Prerequisites | Credits 4 credits |
Course Number and Name PEH 120 - Introduction to Weight Training | Prerequisites | Credits 2 credits |
Course Number and Name PEH 220 - Functional Training | Prerequisites PEH 120 with a grade of "C" or better | Credits 2 credits |
Course Number and Name PEH 230 - Structural Kinesiology | Prerequisites BIOL 108 or BIOL 109 and BIOL 110 with a grade of "C" or better | Credits 3 credits |
Course Number and Name PEH 240 - Exercise Physiology | Prerequisites BIOL 108 or BIOL 109 and BIOL 110 with a grade of "C" or better | Credits 4 credits |
Course Number and Name PEH 250 - Exercise Testing | Prerequisites PEH 240 with a grade of "C" or better | Credits 4 credits |
Course Number and Name PEH 260 - Business of Personal Training | Prerequisites PEH 240 with a grade of "C" or better | Credits 2 credits |
Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:
27General Education Requirements:
All general education requirements necessary for graduation are met through the courses in the program as indicated above. Students who wish to take courses that differ from the general education courses indicated above must complete a course substitution request form. To access the form, login to the MyCCP portal, and in the Student tab, under Electronic Forms, click on the Records and Registration Forms link, then choose Request For Course Substitution Of Graduation Requirement link. A more detailed explanation of the College’s general education requirements is also available.
For More Information, Contact:
The Division of Math, Science and Health Careers, Room W1-1, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19130. Telephone (215) 751-8430