Video Game Audio Proficiency Certificate
The Video Game Audio Proficiency Certificate is designed to help students develop the skills necessary for a career in video game and interactive media audio, sound design and composition. The certificate provides students with the ability to implement middleware with game engines and instruction in music production, theory, and preparing assets for nonlinear media. Students enrolled in the certificate may also continue into the Associate in Applied Science degree program in Sound Recording and Music Technology (SRMT). Upon completion of the certificate, students will be eligible for Wwise Certifications.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the Video Game Audio proficiency certificate, students will be able to:
- Prepare various assets, including sound effects and music, for nonlinear interactive media.
- Implement, design, and test sonic assets for use in a game engine.
- Compose and produce music and other sound design elements using synthesis, signal processing, audio recording, and sampling.
- Understand how video games are created and the various roles of the development team.
Program Entry Requirements:
This certificate is open to interested students. New students are normally required to take the College’s placement test at their time of entry. Students who are identified as needing developmental course work must satisfactorily complete the appropriate English and mathematics courses as part of the certificate when applicable.
Program of Study and Graduation Requirements:
Successful completion of the program requires a "C" grade or better in each of the courses listed in the program.
Course Sequence:
Semester 1
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 100 - Music Reading | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 170 - Audio and Music for Interactive Media | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 115 - Introduction to Music Technology | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. Oral Communication/ Creative Expression** |
Semester 2
Course Number and Name | Prerequisites and Corequisites | Credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 220 – ProTools and Ableton Live - Audio Editing and Production | Prerequisites and Corequisites MUS 115 | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 215 - Advanced Music Technology and Multimedia | Prerequisites and Corequisites MUS 115 | Credits 3 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Course Number and Name MUS 270 - Game Audio Implementation | Prerequisites and Corequisites MUS 170 | Credits 4 credits | Gen Ed Req. |
Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate:
19For More Information, Contact:
The Division of Liberal Studies, Room BR-21, 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Telephone (215) 751-8450 or the College Information Center (215) 751-8010.